A term used in survey
research to refer to the match between the target population and the sample.
Same method as ANOVA,
but analyzes differences between dependent variables.
A method of
statistical analysis broadly applicable to a number of research designs, used
to determine differences among the means of two or more groups on a variable.
The independent variables are usually nominal, and the dependent variable is
usual an interval.
Clear, understandable
representation of the data
A frequency
distribution statistics. Normal distribution is shaped like a bell.
The collection and
presentation of detailed information about a particular participant or small
group, frequently including the accounts of subjects themselves.
A model which
represents a causal relationship between two variables.
The relationship
established that shows that an independent variable, and nothing else, causes
a change in a dependent variable. Establishes, also, how much of a change is
shown in the dependent variable.
The relation between
cause and effect.
These measures
indicate the middle or center of a distribution.
Objectivity; the
findings of the study could be confirmed by another person conducting the
same study
The range around a
numeric statistical value obtained from a sample, within which the actual,
corresponding value for the population is likely to fall, at a given level of
probability (Alreck, 444).
The specific
probability of obtaining some result from a sample if it did not exist in the
population as a whole, at or below which the relationship will be regarded as
statistically significant (Alreck, 444).
(Same as confidence
interval, but is terminology used by Lauer and Asher.) "The range of
scores or percentages within which a population percentage is likely to be
found on variables that describe that population" (Lauer and Asher, 58).
Confidence limits are expressed in a "plus or minus" fashion
according to sample size, then corrected according to formulas based on
variables connected to population size in relation to sample size and the
relationship of the variable to the population size--the larger the sample,
the smaller the variability or confidence limits.
An unforeseen, and
unaccounted-for variable that jeopardizes reliability and validity of an
experiment's outcome.
Seeks an agreement
between a theoretical concept and a specific measuring device, such as
The extent to which a
measurement reflects the specific intended domain of content (Carmines &
Zeller, 1991, p.20).
Awareness by a
qualitative researcher of factors such as values and beliefs that influence
cultural behaviors
A variable that may
have fractional values, e.g., height, weight and time.
A group in an
experiment that receives not treatment in order to compare the treated group
against a norm.
The general agreement
among ratings, gathered independently of one another, where measures should
be theoretically related.
1) A common
statistical analysis, usually abbreviated asr, that measures the degree of relationship between
pairs of interval variables in a sample. The range of correlation is from
-1.00 to zero to +1.00. 2) A non-cause and effect relationship between two
A product of the
correlation of two related variables times their standard deviations. Used in
true experiments to measure the difference of treatment between them.
A researcher's ability
to demonstrate that the object of a study is accurately identified and
described, based on the way in which the study was conducted
Used to demonstrate
the accuracy of a measuring procedure by comparing it with another procedure
which has been demonstrated to be valid; also referred to as instrumental
Recorded observations,
usually in numeric or textual form
A form of reasoning in
which conclusions are formulated about particulars from general or universal
Being able to account
for changes in the design of the study and the changing conditions
surrounding what was studied.
A variable that
receives stimulus and measured for the effect the treatment has had upon it.
A quality of an
observational study that allows researchers to pursue inquiries on new topics
or questions that emerge from initial research
The distance between
the mean and a particular data point in a given distribution.
A community of
scholars and researchers in a given field who respond to and communicate to
each other through published articles in the community's journals and
presentations at conventions. All members of the discourse community adhere
to certain conventions for the presentation of their theories and research.
A variable that is
measured solely in whole units, e.g., gender and siblings
The lack of a
relationship among measures which theoretically should not be related.
The range of values of
a particular variable.
observational research is not concerned with having straight-forward, right
or wrong answers. Change in a study is common because the researcher is not
concerned with finding only one answer.
A "paper" or
linear text that has been essentially "copied" into an electronic
A quality of
qualitative researchers who strive to be non-judgmental when compiling
"…the process of
developing systematized knowledge gained from observations that are
formulated to support insights and generalizations about the phenomena under
study" (Lauer and Asher, 1988, p. 7)
The extent to which
two items measure identical concepts at an identical level of difficulty.
Ethnographies study
groups and/or cultures over a period of time. The goal of this type of
research is to comprehend the particular group/culture through observer
immersion into the culture or group. Research is completed through various
methods, which are similar to those of case studies, but since the researcher
is immersed within the group for an extended period of time more detailed
information is usually collected during the research.
A form of ethnography
that studies activities of group members to see how they make sense of their
or Frequency
This is a key question
in the coding process. The researcher must decide if he/she is going to count
a concept only once, for existence, no matter how many times it appears, or
if he/she will count it each time it occurs. For example, "damn"
could be counted once, even though it appears 50 times, or it could be
counted all 50 times. The latter measurement may be interested in how many
times it occurs and what that indicates, whereas the former may simply
looking for existence, period.
Experimental Research
A researcher working within this methodology creates an environment in which
to observe and interpret the results of a research question. A key element in
experimental research is that participants in a study are randomly assigned to groups. In an
attempt to create a causal model (i.e., to discover the causal origin of a
particular phenomenon), groups are treated differently and measurements are
conducted to determine if different treatments appear to lead to different
The extent to which
the results of a study aregeneralizable or transferable. See also validity
How a measure or procedure
A statistical test
that explores relationships among data. The test explores which variables in
a data set are most related to each other. In a carefully constructed survey,
for example, factor analysis can yield information on patterns of responses,
not simply data on a single response. Larger tendencies may then be
interpreted, indicating behavior trends rather than simply responses to
specific questions.
The extent to which
research findings and conclusions from a study conducted on a sample
population can be applied to the population at large.
Practice of developing
other theories that emerge from observing a group. Theories are grounded in
the group's observable experiences, but researchers add their own insight
into why those experiences exist.
Taking almost every
action or communication of the whole phenomenon of a certain community or
culture into account in research
A tentative
explanation based on theory to predict a causal relationship between
A variable that is
part of the situation that exist from which originates the stimulus given to
a dependent variable. Includes treatment, state of variable, such as age,
size, weight, etc.
A form of reasoning in
which a generalized conclusion is formulated from particular instances
A form of analysis
based on inductive reasoning; a researcher using inductive analysis starts
with answers, but forms questions throughout the research process.
The extent to which
all questions or items assess the same characteristic, skill, or quality.
(1) The rigor with
which the study was conducted (e.g., the study's design, the care taken to
conduct measurements, and decisions concerning what was and wasn't measured)
and (2) the extent to which the designers of a study have taken into account
alternative explanations for any causal relationships they explore (Huitt,
1998). In studies that do not explore causal relationships, only the first of
these definitions should be considered when assessing internal validity. See
The extent to which
two or more individuals agree. It addresses the consistency of the
implementation of a rating system.
A variable in which
both order of data points and distance between data points can be determined,
e.g., percentage scores and distances
A research tool in
which a researcher asks questions of participants; interviews are often
audio- or video-taped for later transcription and analysis.
One must decide what
to do with the information in the text that is not coded. One's options
include either deleting or skipping over unwanted material, or viewing all
information as relevant and important and using it to reexamine, reassess and
perhaps even alter the one's coding scheme.
Kinesic analysis
examines what is communicated through body movement
of Analysis
Chosen by determining
which word, set of words, or phrases will constitute a concept. According to
Carley, 100-500 concepts is generally sufficient when coding for a specific
topic, but this number of course varies on a case by case basis.
of Generalization
A researcher must
decide whether concepts are to be coded exactly as they appear, or if they
can be recorded in some altered or collapsed form. Using Horton as an example
again, she could code profanity individually and code "damn" and
"dammit" as two separate concepts. Or, by generalizing their
meaning, i.e. they both express the same idea, she could group them together
as one item, i.e. "damn words."
of Implication
One must determine
whether to code simply for explicit appearances of concepts, or for implied
concepts, as well. For example, consider a hypothetical piece of text about
skiing, written by an expert. The expert might refer several times to
"???," as well as various other kinds of turns. One must decide
whether to code "???" as an entity in and of itself, or, if coding
for "turn" references in general, to code "???" as
implicitly meaning "turn." Thus, by determining that the meaning
"turn" is implicit in the words "???," anytime the words
"???" or "turn" appear in the text, they will be coded
under the same category of "turn."
In hypertext, a pointer from one node to another
A statistical test
used to compare two sets of scores for the same subject. A matched pairs
T-test can be used to determine if the scores of the same participants in a
study differ under different conditions. For instance, this sort of t-test
could be used to determine if people write better essays after taking a
writing class than they did before taking the writing class.
Process of
corresponding variables in experimental groups equally feature for feature.
The average score
within a distribution.
A measure of variation
that indicates the average deviation of scores in a distribution from themean: It is determined by averaging the
absolute values of thedeviations.
The center score in
a distribution.
A group or network of
interrelated concepts that reflect conscious or subconscious perceptions of
reality. These internal mental networks of meaning are constructed as people
draw inferences and gather information about the world.
The most frequent
score in a distribution.
A research approach
that employs a variety of methods; see also triangulation
A qualitative research
approach based on a researcher's narrative account of the investigation, not
to be confused with a narrative examined by the researcher as data
Observational research
of a group in its natural setting
In hypertext, each unit of information,
connected by links
A variable determined
by categories which cannot be ordered, e.g., gender and color
A normal frequency
distribution representing the probability that a majority of randomly
selected members of a population will fall within the middle of the
distribution. Represented by the bell curve.
A variable in which
the order of data points can be determined but not the distance between data
points, e.g., letter grades
A coefficient or value
for the population that corresponds to a
particular statistic from a sample and is often inferred from the
A qualitative research
approach concerned with understanding certain group behaviors from that
group's point of view
The target group under
investigation, as in all students enrolled in first-year composition courses
taught in traditional classrooms. The population is the entire set under
consideration. Samples are drawn from populations.
In survey research,
the tightness of the confidence limits.
or Interactive Concept Choice
One must determine
whether to code only from a pre-defined set of concepts and categories, or if
one will develop some or all of these during the coding process. For example,
using a predefined set, Horton would code only for profane language. But, if
Horton coded interactively, she may have decided to half-way through the
process that the text warranted coding for profane gestures, as well.
The chance that a
phenomenon has a of occurring randomly. As a statistical measure, it shown
as p (the "p" factor).
Empirical research in which the
researcher explores relationships using textual, rather than quantitative
data. Case study, observation, and ethnography are considered forms of
qualitative research. Results are not usually considered generalizable, but
are often transferable.
Empirical research in which the
researcher explores relationships using numeric data. Survey is generally
considered a form of quantitative research. Results can often be generalized,
though this is not always the case.
Similar to true
experiments. Have subjects, treatment, etc., but uses nonrandomized groups.
Incorporates interpretation and transferability in order to compensate for
lack of control of variables.
Refers to the
situation where a single manner of observation consistently, yet erroneously,
yields the same result.
Process used in
research to draw a sample of a population strictly by chance, yielding no
discernible pattern beyond chance. Random sampling can be accomplished by
first numbering the population, then selecting the sample according to a
table of random numbers or using a random-number computer generator. The
sample is said to be random because there is no regular or discernible
pattern or order. Random sample selection is used under the assumption that
sufficiently large samples assigned randomly will exhibit a distribution
comparable to that of the population from which the sample is
Used to allocate
subjects to experimental and control groups. The subjects are initially
considered not unequal because they were randomly selected.
The difference between
the highest and lowest scores in adistribution.
The extent to which a
measure, procedure or instrument yields the same result on repeated trials.
In survey research,
the actual percentage of questionnaires completed and returned.
identifying a motivational concern, 2) posing questions, 3) engaging in a
heuristic search (which in composition studies has often occurred by probing
other fields), 4) creating a new theory or hypotheses, and 5) justifying the
theory" (Lauer and Asher, 1988, p. 5)
Degree to which
research methods are scrupulously and meticulously carried out in order to
recognize important influences occurring in a experiment.
The degree to which
the results from the sample deviate from those that would be obtained from
the entire population, because of random error in the selection of respondent
and the corresponding reduction in reliability (Alreck, 454).
A listing that should
include all those in the population to be sampled and exclude all those who
are not in the population (Alreck, 454).
The population
researched in a particular study. Usually, attempts are made to select a
"sample population" that is considered representative of groups of
people to whom results will be generalized or transferred. In studies that
use inferential statistics to analyze results or which are designed to be
generalizable, sample size is critical--generally the larger the number in
the sample, the higher the likelihood of a representative distribution of thepopulation.
The central idea of
content analysis. Text is reduced to categories consisting of a word, set of
words or phrases, on which the researcher can focus. Specific words or
patterns are indicative of the research question and determine levels of
analysis and generalization.
In survey research, a
situation where questions may "lead" participant responses through
establishing a certain tone early in the questionnaire. The serial effect may
accrue as several questions establish a pattern of response in the participant,
biasing results.
Studies that list or
present findings of short-term qualitative study based on recorded
Any distribution which is not normal, that
is not symmetrical along the x-axis
The agreement of
measuring instruments over time.
A term used in
statistical analysis. A measure of variation that indicates the typical
distance between the scores of adistribution and the mean; it is determined by taking the square
root of the average of the squared deviations in a given distribution.It can
be used to indicate the proportion of data within certain ranges of scale values
when the distribution conforms closely to the normal curve.
Error (S.E.) of the Mean
A term used in
statistical analysis. A computed value based on the size of the sample and
the standard deviation of the distribution, indicating the range within which
the mean of the population is likely to be from the mean of the sample at a
given level of probability (Alreck, 456).
A research tool that
includes at least one question which is either open-ended or close-ended and
employs an oral or written method for asking these questions. The goal of a
survey is to gain specific information about either a specific group or a
representative sample of a particular group. Results are typically used to
understand the attitudes, beliefs, or knowledge of a particular group.
The similarity of
observations within the same time frame; it is not about the similarity of
things observed.
A statistical test. A
t-test is used to determine if the scores of two groups differ on a single
variable. For instance, to determine whether writing ability differs among
students in two classrooms, a t-test could be used.
A rich and extensive
set of details concerning methodology and context provided in a research
The ability to apply
the results of research in one context to another similar context. Also, the
extent to which a study invites readers to make connections between elements
of the study and their own experiences.
If one decides to generalize
concepts during coding, then one must develop a set of rules by which less
general concepts will be translated into more general ones. This doesn't
involve simple generalization, for example, as with "damn" and
"dammit," but requires one to determine, from a given set of
concepts, what concepts are missing. When dealing with the idea of profanity,
one must decide what to do with the concept "dang it," which is
generally thought to imply "damn it." The researcher must make this
distinction, i.e. make this implicit concept explicit, and then code for the
frequency of its occurrence. This decision results in the construction of a
translation rule, which instructs the researcher to code for the concept
"dang it" in a certain way.
The stimulus given to
a dependent variable.
The use of a
combination of research methods in a study. An example of triangulation would
be a study that incorporated surveys, interviews, and observations. See
also multi-modal methods
case orientation
A perspective adopted
by many researchers conducting qualitative observational studies; researchers
adopting this orientation remember every study is special and deserves
in-depth attention. This is especially necessary for doing cultural
The degree to which a
study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that the
researcher is attempting to measure. A method can be reliable, consistently
measuring the same thing, but not valid. See also internal validity and external validity
characteristics that vary among individuals. See also ordinal variable, nominal variable, interval variable, continuous variable, discrete variable,dependent variable, independent variable.
A measure of variation
within a distribution, determined by averaging the
squared deviations from the mean of a distribution.
The dispersion of data
points around the mean of a distribution.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Glossary of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Terms
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