Wednesday, September 1, 2021





In what appears to be a prelude to the split, party chair Rabindra Mishra and convener Milan Pandey have convened separate meetings of the party's central committee for Thursday.

After an earlier split between Sajha Party and Bibeksheel, the party was revived roughly nine months ago. The two parties had previously combined on July 26, 2017, to become the Bibeksheel Sajha Party, but it had dissolved due to leadership conflicts.


Mishra, a journalist who later became a politician, founded the Sajha Party, while Bibeksheel grew out of a campaign started by Ujjwal Thapa.


However, in January 2019, the two parties agreed to separate ways.


In December of last year, the two parties combined once more with the goal of creating a formidable alternative force.


Dissensions within the party erupted after Mishra released a pamphlet questioning the relevance of federalism and advocating for a secularism referendum.

“Mishra has already split the party, first by proposing policies that are contrary to the constitution and the party statute, and then by doing things that the party statute prohibits him from doing,” Pandey stated. “I don't believe there's a chance we'll be able to stay together.”

The two parties merged on July 26, 2017 in the run-up to the general elections, however they split up in January 2019, after nearly two years together.

Mishra asserted in his suggestion that neither federalism nor secularism were part of the Nepali people's initial purpose.

The Kabul chaos and South Asia


The Kabul chaos and South Asia

JB Tuhure, who died last week at the age of 78, was a Maoist, but he became famous for singing awareness songs to drum up support for the Marxist-Leninists. Tuhure's revolutionary melodies had an undeniable undertone of despair. Tuhure's music was both rebellious and consoling at the same time. Complex emotions are unlikely to have entered the minds of the Taliban fighters, who are mostly uneducated.

Except that the Taliban were complicit in these horrible deeds, there appears to be little relationship between the destruction of the soaring Buddha sculptures in Bamiyan Valley and the physical and psychic devastation wrought by the 9/11 attacks. Along with the airport rush, babies being pushed over razor wires by their desperate moms, and a young dentist, there were a slew of additional incidents.

The fall of the US-backed government in Afghanistan may not be the equivalent of the fall of Saigon for President Biden, but the repercussions in South Asia are likely to be just as disastrous. Even when a large tree falls, the earth shakes metaphorically. The movement of a whole mountain of military presence from the crossroads of West, Central, and South Asia is bound to shake the entire region.

The Saigon moment theory' detractors are eager to point out obvious differences. All such analogies were mocked by President Biden himself. North Vietnam was a well-organized state with a well-trained guerilla army. The Vietcong was backed by both the Soviets and the Chinese. The Taliban, on the other hand, are a motley crew of religious fanatics who instill dread in the hearts of their victims.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Online class Routine

 Online class Routine




1. Compare your answers with your partner.
2. This key holder is very special for me.
3. Apple and pears are in the same box.
4. Write to me soon.
5. Have you got a piece of paper?
6. What’s the calculator for? It is for my exams.
7. I’m tall with black hair and brown eyes.
8. We have a house with a big garden.
9. I come from a big family.
10. Match the pictures with the names.
11. Is your house in the country?
12. Guess what I have in my hand?
13. I have two color pens. What about you?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

English Grade 7 Annual Exam Question

 English  Grade 7   Annual Exam Question

Annual Examination-2076

Subject: English            Full Mark: 100

Class: VII  Time: 3 hrs.   Pass Mark: 40

1. Read the passage.

In the world have we made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine is concerned with promotion of good health. Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health; but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill.

Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of the television programmes and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet the only result of this obsession with health is the rise in the number of people with imaginary illnesses.


A) Questions:                                                 [5×2=10]

a.    Why is health important?

b.   What is modern medicine concerned with?

c.    What does talking about health all the time make people?

d.   What does the passage suggests us?

e.    What should a healthy be concerned with?

B) From the passage, find the antonym of the following:          [5]

a. beginning          b. remembered        c. diregard       d. demotion    

e. actual


2. Answer the following questions.                                    [10×2=20]

a.    Why is the UK called an 'island state'?

b.    What is the Union Jack made up of?

c.    What is your favourite season? Why?

d.    How many districts and provinces are there in Nepal?

e.    Name any four famous tourist destinations in Nepal.

f.      Who are your favourite nepali singers? Name any two.

g.    What made 24 hour news channel possible? When was the first communication satellite put into orbit in space?

h.    Who are considered as the inventors of the internet?

i.       How often do you watch TV? What are your favourite TV programmes?

j.       Do you use Internet? If yes, for what?


3. Anita and Deepak are going to travel with their English speaking friends around Nepal. They are telling them about their plans. What famous landmarks should they visit? Give suggestions.                                 [5]

4. Your English speaking friend has asked you to give information about yourself. Write a letter introducing yourself first and then talk about your hobbies and interests. Use modifying adverbs.                                  [5]

5.  Write negative sentences and make Yes/No questions as well:              [5]

a. This concert has been played before.

b. I was offered a ticket to the concert of Nepathaya.

c. The audience admired the charming music at the concert last Sunday.

d. The biography of the outstanding composer Beethoven will be told to us in English.

e. We are always inspired by music.

6.      Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:                        [5]

a. film / has / seen / class / by / our. This / already / been

b. Opera House / you / to / ever / the / Have / been / ?

c. never / has / flute / He / played / the I.

d. Russians / listened / have. We / to / the / already / of / new / hit

e. improved / your. Has / mood / music / this / by / been / ?

7. Do you think Miss Honey is a good teacher? Why?                                      [3]

8. Rewrite the sentences using the conjunction unless.             [5]

a. You can't hear all the teacher's explanation if you don’t come on time for the lesson.

b. You aren't the best student in class if you sometimes don’t wear a school uniform.

c. If she doesn't pass her exam, her parents won't be happy.

d. My father doesn't drive me to school in his car except if I'm really late.

e. We usually go to the cinema on Saturdays if we aren't busy with our homework.

9. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense form:                            [10]

    Ernest Hemingway , an American writer, _____ (to be) born on July 21, 1899. His parents ________ (to encourage) his many creative beginnings. His mother ______ (to teach) him music and ______ (to take) him to concerts, art galleries, and operas. His father _____ (to teach) him practical skills, like how to build fires, how to use an axe and how to tie fishing flies.

By the age of three, he _____(to know) stories about many great men in American history, and he ______(to collect) cartoons of the Russian Japanese War. He ____(to belong) to a nature study group. Ernest ________(to like) writing and ______(can/to spell) well. His parents _____ (to teach) him to value physical courage.

Ernest ______(to show) an interest in writing when he _____(to be) 12. He _____(to write) stories about heroes having high action adventures. In high school, he _____(to write) for the school's weekly newspaper. He also ______ (to take up) boating. His motto ________(to be) "be afraid of nothing".

Ernest _____(to be) an unusual child. No one ______ (to be) too surprised when he ____(to grow up) to be an exceptional writer.


10. As New Year is coming near, what are your plans of the next year? What kind of improvement you want in yourself?                     [3]

11. Add suitable question tags to the following:                            [5]

a.    They spent most of the times working together, ________?

b.    She will not let us to perform our drama, ________?

c.    Please, give me your jacket, ________?

d.    Rehan was acting weird on the stage, ________?

e.    Let's go to the nearest restaurant, ________?

12. News always travels very fast. Explain.                                     [4]

13. Change the following sentences into reported speech.                            [5]

a.    Mina said, "I am preparing for my exams."

b.    Kapil said to Karuna, "What will you do without me?"

c.    Akriti said, "Please, pass me the paper."

d.    Ishan said to Akchhit, " I've bought alot of candles for you."

e.    Muskan asked me, "How can you solve this question?"

14. Write an essay on "Importance of Mass Media".                               [8]


2marks for handwriting


Best of Luck

English Grade 6 Annual Exam Question

 English Grade 6   Annual Exam Question

Annual Examination-2076

Subject: English                                                                                                  Full Mark:100

Class: VI                                      Time: 3 Hrs.                                                  Pass Mark:  40

1.         Read the following passage and answer the following questions.


We must take proper care of our hair. Healthy hair looks beautiful and makes us feel good. It is important to keep our hair clean by washing it regularly with soap or shampoo. This removes the dirt and dust and prevents scalp infections. To have healthy hair, we must eat a balanced diet which provides nourishment to our skin. We should eat lots of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and cereals. Consumption of amla juice, ashgourd juice, pumpkin and coconut water enhances hair growth. Vitamin B12 helps to prevent hair loss and can be found in fish, eggs, chicken and milk. We should avoid the intake of maida (fine flour) and deep-fried dishes, sweets made of white sugar, soft drinks, tea and coffee. If we follow a healthy regime of yoga and breathing exercises, we can enjoy healthy hair for a long time as it slows down the process of graying and ageing.

A) Answer the following questions:                                     [5×2=10]

i) What role does shampoo play in hair hygiene?

ii) What substances help in enhancing hair growth?

iii) What food stuff should be avoided for healthy hair?

iv)  How can we keep our hair clean?

v) How can we keep our hair healthy for a long time?

B) From the passage, find the antonym of the following: [5×1=5]

i) neglect     ii) unwholesome          iii) gain            iv) hard           

v) youngish

2.   Answer the following questions:                                                [20]

a)      Who were hippies?

b)      Why did many of the buildings collapse in the square?

c)      Write any two national attractions located in Kathmandu.

d)     When was Kathmandu Durbar Square designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

e)      Why is learning English a great experience?

f)       What is your mother tongue? When do children start learning English in Nepal?

g)      What sports or games do you like to play most of the times?

h)      What do you do to keep yourself healthy?

i)        What do you do when you have free time?

3.   Write about your way of learning English. How long have you been learning it? What have done to improve it?                                            [5]

4.  Write a short story about the person in your family you admire the most. Use the questions given below for help.                         [4]

    l What makes this person so special to you?                 

     l What does he / she teach you to do?

l Would you like to be like this person?

5. Complete the sentences with myself, yourself, himself, herself or themselves:                                                                                     [5]

a)      The children enjoyed ______ in the Kathmandu Fun Park yesterday.

b)      Sudip fell off the tree and hurt _______.

c)      I can take care of ________.

d)     "Did you enjoy _______ at the cinema, Ambika?"

e)      "Did Mr. Ramesh enjoy ________ in Pokara?"

6. You have just moved to a new flat. You feel really happy about it. Write a letter telling him/her about your house and your household chores.                                                                                                       [6]

7. Read the recipe and write a story about the way Anita cooked Curry    Chicken Salad one day. Start like this:                                                            [5]


One day Anita  decided to cook ______. She got up early because she had to get the food prepared by noon.

She took a large bowl and prepared. First she _______. Then, she ____. After that she added ______. She began to _________. Finally, _______.

        Chicken Chicken Salad

You'll need:

é2 cups cooked chicken, shredded

é1 teaspoon curry powder

é1 celery stalk, chopped

é2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped

é 1/2 cup mayonnaise

é 1/4 cup almonds, slivered

        What to do:

é Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well.

é Refrigerate for several hours before serving.

8. Complete the following with suitable tag questions:                              [5]

a)   I'm working in the garden now, ______?

b)   He is whitewashing the fence now, _________?

c)   Let's build a tree house, _______?

d)  He doesn't eat much chocolate everyday, _________?

e)   It's important to eat a wide variety of food, ________?

9. Your friend was ill two weeks ago. Write a conversation between you and your friend talking about:                                                              [5]

        é what happened to him/ her

        é if the doctor visited him/ her

        é what recommendations he/ she got

        é what helped him/ her to recover


10. Read the letter and answer the following questions:                           [6]

Dear Padma,

How are you? I am busy as bee these days. Lots of homework.  But a little exercise each day helps me keep fit. I'm usually very tired after sitting at the desk for hours.  I go jogging in the park every morning. Today, even after half an hour run, I feel energized.

Dinesh has joined the school sports club this year. He wants to set a school record in swimming and running, and he is training hard for that. Training everyday has worked wonders for his stamina. Dinesh's parents want him to participate in sports competitions. They are really very proud of his wonderful achievements.

Now we've got a new PE teacher at school. He's going to start a badminton club, which sounds like fun. So, I'll try that though I can hardly imagine when I'll find time.

What sports do you play, Padma? Would you like to join any sports club?

Write me soon.


Best wishes,



a)   Who wrote the letter?

b)   What helps Anita to keep fit?

c)   How does she train her body everyday?

d)  She doesn’t have any sports club at school, does she?

e)   Has training everyday done wonders for Dinesh's stamina?

f)    Do Dinesh's parents encourage him to take part in a sport?

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present continuous and Present perfect continuous.                                                                        [5]

a)   Sachin and Dinesh ______ (to sit) at the stadium now. They ___ (to watch) the football match for forty minutes.

b)   Tanka is very busy now. He ____ (to talk) with his coach. He ______ (to talk) with his coach for half an hour.

c)   My classmates are in the gym now. They _____ (to paly) volleyball. They ______ (to play) volleyball for an hour.

d)  Riya ______ (to train) in the Sports Centre now. She ________ (to attend) the tennis club for three years.

e)   Mr.Thapa is in the swimming pool. He _______(to watch) the young sportsmen swim. He ____ (to train) them for a year.

12. Join the sentences with so (that) as shown in the example:                 [5]

Example: He changed his job. He wanted to spend more time with his     family.

à He wanted to spend more time with his family so he changed his job.

a)   We hired a taxi. We wanted to get to the airport quickly.

b)   We moved to the country. We wanted to grow our own vegetables.

c)   They went to the tourist agency. They wanted to have a well planned rest.

d)  They bought the tickets. They wanted to watch that theatrical performance.

e)   She went to the shop. She wanted to buy some candles.


13. Write a description of a nationa; attraction in Kathmandu with the help of the notes given below:                                                                [4]

        é what it is called

        éwhat it is

        éwhat it looks like

        éhow old it is

        éwhere  it is located

        é why it is special


14. Write essay on "Your School Life".                                                      [7]


*3 marks for handwriting*


*Best of Luck*


UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet