Sunday, March 14, 2021

English Grade 7 Annual Exam Question

 English  Grade 7   Annual Exam Question

Annual Examination-2076

Subject: English            Full Mark: 100

Class: VII  Time: 3 hrs.   Pass Mark: 40

1. Read the passage.

In the world have we made health an end in itself? We have forgotten that health is really a means to enable a person to do his work and do it well. A lot of modern medicine is concerned with promotion of good health. Many patients as well as many physicians pay very little attention to health; but very much attention to health makes some people imagine that they are ill.

Our great concern with health is shown by the medical columns in newspapers, the health articles in popular magazines and the popularity of the television programmes and all those books on medicine. We talk about health all the time. Yet the only result of this obsession with health is the rise in the number of people with imaginary illnesses.


A) Questions:                                                 [5×2=10]

a.    Why is health important?

b.   What is modern medicine concerned with?

c.    What does talking about health all the time make people?

d.   What does the passage suggests us?

e.    What should a healthy be concerned with?

B) From the passage, find the antonym of the following:          [5]

a. beginning          b. remembered        c. diregard       d. demotion    

e. actual


2. Answer the following questions.                                    [10×2=20]

a.    Why is the UK called an 'island state'?

b.    What is the Union Jack made up of?

c.    What is your favourite season? Why?

d.    How many districts and provinces are there in Nepal?

e.    Name any four famous tourist destinations in Nepal.

f.      Who are your favourite nepali singers? Name any two.

g.    What made 24 hour news channel possible? When was the first communication satellite put into orbit in space?

h.    Who are considered as the inventors of the internet?

i.       How often do you watch TV? What are your favourite TV programmes?

j.       Do you use Internet? If yes, for what?


3. Anita and Deepak are going to travel with their English speaking friends around Nepal. They are telling them about their plans. What famous landmarks should they visit? Give suggestions.                                 [5]

4. Your English speaking friend has asked you to give information about yourself. Write a letter introducing yourself first and then talk about your hobbies and interests. Use modifying adverbs.                                  [5]

5.  Write negative sentences and make Yes/No questions as well:              [5]

a. This concert has been played before.

b. I was offered a ticket to the concert of Nepathaya.

c. The audience admired the charming music at the concert last Sunday.

d. The biography of the outstanding composer Beethoven will be told to us in English.

e. We are always inspired by music.

6.      Put the words in the correct order to make sentences:                        [5]

a. film / has / seen / class / by / our. This / already / been

b. Opera House / you / to / ever / the / Have / been / ?

c. never / has / flute / He / played / the I.

d. Russians / listened / have. We / to / the / already / of / new / hit

e. improved / your. Has / mood / music / this / by / been / ?

7. Do you think Miss Honey is a good teacher? Why?                                      [3]

8. Rewrite the sentences using the conjunction unless.             [5]

a. You can't hear all the teacher's explanation if you don’t come on time for the lesson.

b. You aren't the best student in class if you sometimes don’t wear a school uniform.

c. If she doesn't pass her exam, her parents won't be happy.

d. My father doesn't drive me to school in his car except if I'm really late.

e. We usually go to the cinema on Saturdays if we aren't busy with our homework.

9. Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense form:                            [10]

    Ernest Hemingway , an American writer, _____ (to be) born on July 21, 1899. His parents ________ (to encourage) his many creative beginnings. His mother ______ (to teach) him music and ______ (to take) him to concerts, art galleries, and operas. His father _____ (to teach) him practical skills, like how to build fires, how to use an axe and how to tie fishing flies.

By the age of three, he _____(to know) stories about many great men in American history, and he ______(to collect) cartoons of the Russian Japanese War. He ____(to belong) to a nature study group. Ernest ________(to like) writing and ______(can/to spell) well. His parents _____ (to teach) him to value physical courage.

Ernest ______(to show) an interest in writing when he _____(to be) 12. He _____(to write) stories about heroes having high action adventures. In high school, he _____(to write) for the school's weekly newspaper. He also ______ (to take up) boating. His motto ________(to be) "be afraid of nothing".

Ernest _____(to be) an unusual child. No one ______ (to be) too surprised when he ____(to grow up) to be an exceptional writer.


10. As New Year is coming near, what are your plans of the next year? What kind of improvement you want in yourself?                     [3]

11. Add suitable question tags to the following:                            [5]

a.    They spent most of the times working together, ________?

b.    She will not let us to perform our drama, ________?

c.    Please, give me your jacket, ________?

d.    Rehan was acting weird on the stage, ________?

e.    Let's go to the nearest restaurant, ________?

12. News always travels very fast. Explain.                                     [4]

13. Change the following sentences into reported speech.                            [5]

a.    Mina said, "I am preparing for my exams."

b.    Kapil said to Karuna, "What will you do without me?"

c.    Akriti said, "Please, pass me the paper."

d.    Ishan said to Akchhit, " I've bought alot of candles for you."

e.    Muskan asked me, "How can you solve this question?"

14. Write an essay on "Importance of Mass Media".                               [8]


2marks for handwriting


Best of Luck

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