Monday, November 21, 2016

English Language Exercise

6.         Rewrite the following sentences with appropriate form of given words.     [6]
a.     This tree is ______ than that tree. (tall)
b.    House C is ______ among the three. (big)
c.     Deepika is ______ than Malvika. (old)
d.    That pig is ______ than this pig. (fat)
e.     This stick is ______ than that stick. (long)
f.     The cup is ______ than the tray. (pretty0
7.        Change the following passive sentences into active. [8]
a.     Many inventions were created by Edison.
b.    Every bite of food was eaten by us.
c.     Once a week, the house is cleaned by Ali.
d.    Right now, the letter is being written by Sahara.
e.     The car was repaired by Ravi.
f.     The words are explained by the teacher today.
g.     The tickets are sold out this month.
h.    The play 'Romeo and Juliet' was written by Shakespeare.
i.      This newspaper is read by thousands of people.
j.      These books are left in the classroom by him.
k.    Too much money was spent on this project.
l.      Many beautiful poems are recited at this competition.
m.  The smelly cat should be taken out of the house.
n.    Food should be cooked well before eating.
o.    The tablets must be taken twice a day.
p.    The kitchen window was broken yesterday.
8.         Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.              [7]
a.     How long did you stay ______ Biratnagar? ( for, at, in)
b.    I have known him ______ a long time. (since, for)
c.     It gets very cold ______ winter. (in, on)
d.    Kalpana is waiting for you ______ the bus stop. ( in, on, at)
e.     Kim met me first ______ a party. ( at, on, form)
f.     I'm good ______ tennis. ( in, at)
g.     Mr birthday's ______ May. (in, on)
h.    Our school is ______ the end of the street on the left. (in, on, at)
i.      Please sit ______ the sofa. ( among, inside, on)
j.      Will return this book ______ the end of this month. ( in, on, at)
k.    Put a stamp ______ the envelope. (in, on, at)
l.      Sabnam left school ______ 2004. (in, on, at)
m.  She suffers ______ a heart disease. (from, on)
n.    I'll see you ______ ten o'clock. (on, at)
9.         Rewrite the sentences into reported speech:             [6]
a.     Nirya said, " The cat has broken the vase".
b.    He said to me, "Please read this book".
c.     Husain said, "I won't go to school tomorrow".
d.    He said to them, "May you pass your exams!"
e.     Peter said to me, "I will see what I can do for you!"
f.     My mother told me, "You have to work harder in school."
g.     Tina said to the boys, "Why are you sitting here?"
h.    She said to me, "Give me your pen."
i.      I said to him, "We have to invite them to your party."
j.      She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
k.    He said to me, "I am playing here."
l.      The Teacher said, "I don't take any test."
10.       Write a letter to your friend (in village) telling about burning problems of city.     [7]
11.       Write an essay on anyone of the following topics in about 150 words.                    [10]
a.Religious sites in Nepal

b.Pollution : a challenge for the world

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UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet