Monday, November 21, 2016

Tenzing Norgay Sherpa

Tenzing Norgay Sherpa

           Tensing Sherpa was born on may 15, 1914 in Thami. It is a small Sherpa village in the solo Khumbu district of Nepal. Khumbu lies near Mount Everest, which the Tibetans and Sherpas call Chomolungma which in Tibetan means mother Goddess of the earth.

           He was originally called Namgyai Wangdi but as a child his name was changed on the advice of the head Lama and founder of the famous Rongbuk Monastrey, Ngawang Tenzin Norbu Tenzing Norgay translates as wealthy fortunate follower of religion. His father, a yak herder, was Ghang La Mingma and his mother was Dokmo Kinzom ( who lived to see him climb everest ) ; he was the 11th of 13 children, most of whom died young.

           Life was difficult in the village. He spent his days looking after the yaks. He heard stories from other sherpas about the people who had wanted to climb Mount Everest. He got more interested and wanted to see it for himself. So when he was eighteen years old, he ran away from his name. he went to Darjeeling in 1932.

           A.     Find similar meaning to the following from above passage. [5]
           i.       rich, having a lot of money
           ii.      lucky
           iii.     passed away
           iv.     not easy
           v.      popular
           B.      Answer the following questions. [10]   
           a)      When was Tenzing Sherpa born?
           b)      How was his original name changed?
           c)      What do the Tibetans and Sherpas call Mount Everest? And What does it mean?
           d)      How was life in village? And How did he spent his days?

           e)      Why did he go to Darjeeling?

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