Monday, September 18, 2017

Dashain Homework 2074 for 8, 9 & 10 Grades

1. Solve all the question papers of Mid Term Exam 2074.

2. Solve one more set of each subject from 10 sets book.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dashain Homework class 7

Trilok Children's Academy
Balaju – 16, Kathmandu
Dashain Homework – 2074
Grade : VII

1.      Life Skills:  
Solve your exam's question paper and prepare note of mid- term.
2.      Maths:
Solve question papers of Mid Term Exam.
3.      Science:  
Solve question paper of Mid Term Exam.
4.      Our English: 
Write an essay on ' Tourism in Nepal'.
Write a letter to your foreign friend describing about Dashain festival.
5.      Health
Solve Mid-term exam paper.
6.      Computer:
Solve Mid-term exam paper.
7.     OBTE:  Complete the note.
8.     g]kfnL M
s_ ltdLn] bz}F labf s;/L dgfof}, bz}Fsf] k|d'v % lbgsf] b}lgsL n]v .
v_ bz}+ zLif{sdf Pp6f lgaGw n]v .
u_ ljb]z a:g] ;fyLnfO{ :jb]z kmls{g cfu|x ub}{ lr7L n]v .

9.      English Skills:
Write an essay on ' Dashain'.
10.              Social Studies: Write an article about Dashain and paste any seven photos.
     Happy Dashain -2074

Dashain Homework class 6

Trilok Children's Academy
Balaju – 16, Kathmandu
Grade : VI               Dashain Homework – 2074

1.     g]kfnL M s_ rf8jf8sf gfddf xfd|f ;dfhdf s:tf ljs[lt lelqg ;S5g\, tL ljs[lt
lelqg glbg ltdLn] ufpF3/df s:tf] r]tgf km}nfpg ;S5f}, n]v .
v_ eljiot sfnsf] ltgj6f kIfsf] %÷% j6f jfSo agfpm .
2.      OB&TE: Prepare note.
3.      Health and Physical: Make the figure of all sense organs in chart paper.
4.      Life Skills: Do lesson 1 question answer.
5.      Our English
a.      Write an essay on 'Value of Time'.
b.      Write a letter to your father asking for money.
6.      Computer:
a.      Solve midterm question.
7.      Social Studies:
a.      Write an article about Dashain festival and paste any six photos. (Use A4 size paper)
8.      Science:  Prepare note copy and solve mid-term question paper from Physics and Astronomy.
9.      Maths: Do from midterm question paper.
10.   English Skills:  a. write a letter to a friend describing about importance of Dashain.
a. Write any five favourite cartoon characters. Draw them, color them and write about them each.
b. Write 5 pages handwriting.

Happy Dashain – 2074

Dashain Homework class 5

Trilok Children's Academy
Balaju – 16, Kathmandu
Dashain Homework – 2074
Grade :  V

1.      Science: prepare note copy and solve the mid-term question paper( Q.N. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 )
2.      English Skills:  Write a letter to your friend describing your school.
Make 10 sentences of your own using present continuous tense.
3.      Social:
a.       Nepal is common garden of various castes and sub- castes. Describe the statement.
b.      Make a list of activities that we should do to preserve our natural and cultural heritages.
c.       Make a list of social organizations working in your community.
d.      Write an article about Dashain and paste any five photos.
4.      Computer:
a.      Pg 24, (Measurement unit of Memory)
b.      Pg 39 do question answer.
Life Skills: Solve midterm question.
5.      Maths: Solve question paper of mid-term.
6.     g]kfnL M s_ bz}F xfdLn] s] sf/0fn] dgfpg yfNof}F, cleefjs;Fu ;f]w]/ n]v
v_ ltgj6} sfnsf] %÷% j6f jfSo agfpm .
         g]kfnL Jofs/0f M dWo q}dfl;s k/LIffsf] k|Zg xn u/ .
7.      Wonder English: a. Write a couple of paragraphs stating how you have been planning to celebrate Dashain.
b. Prepare a chart pasting all the goddesses pictures that we worship during Dashain.

Happy Dashain – 2074

Dashain Homework class 4

Balaju-16, Kathmandu
Dashain Homework - 2074
Grade: IV
Wonder English:
a. Solve the question paper of mid-term examination.
b. Write a letter to your friend by informing about your    
     Dashain Vacation.
Computer: Draw a picture of large laptop computer and desktop computer in chart paper.
Life Skills: Write any five rules and regulations of school and library.
English Skills: 
a. Write a letter to your friend describing about Dashain festival.
b. Write an essay on ' Discipline'.
Social :
1. Solve the question paper of mid-term examination.
2. Paste different types of dresses according to their tradition on chart paper. (Tharu, Newar, Sherpa, Magar, Brahmin)
Prepare note copy and solve the question paper of mid-term examination.
Maths: Write multiplication table 2 to 20.

g]kfnL M !_ ltdLn] bz}F labf s;/L dgfof}, cfk'mn] bz}F labfdf v]n]sf /dfOnf v]nx?sf] j0f{g ub}{ ;fyLnfO{ lr7L n]v .
@_ lbgsf] Ps kfgf x:tn]vg u/ . -hDdf !) lbg_
g]kfnL Jofs/0fM !_ ufO{sf] af/]df n]v .

Happy Dashain – 2074

Dashain Homework Class 3

Trilok School
Balaju – 16, Kathmandu
Dashain Homework  - 2074
Grade – III
Social: 1. Make a list of work that you do to help your family
2. Write a paragraph of about 10 sentences to describe the festival that you celebrated recently.
Science: 1. Draw a picture of plant and label it.
                2. Collect any five wild animals' pictures and paste
                   in chart paper.
GK : Write page no: 18, 20, 22 and 25 in copy  correctly.
English Skills: 1. Make 10 WH questions.  
2.Write an essay on ' My School' .
3. Write an essay on 'My Family'.
Life Skills:
a.       Write any five rules and regulations of school.
b.      Write any five good habits.
Maths: 1. Write Roman Numbers from L to C.
            2. Write and read the multiplication table from 5 to 15.
            3. Draw the following figures in the chart paper.
            Triangle, rectangle, circle, cube, cuboid,
Computer: Lesson 1 question answer all.
            Draw a figure of computer in a A4 size page.
Wonder English: a. Solve the exam's question paper of mid-term.
b. Write an essay about Dashain.
c. Write 10 sentences about your favourite fruit.
g]kfnL M !_ ;kmf / z'4 cIf/df % x:tn]vg u/ .
@_ bz}+sf] af/]df Ps cg'R5]b n]v .
g]kfnL Jofs/0fM
!_ ltdLnfO{ dg kg]{ ;fyLsf] af/]df n]v .
@_ ;kmf / z'4 cIf/df % x:tn]vg u/ .

Happy Dashain – 2074

Dashain Homework Class 2

Trilok Children' Academy
Balaju-16, Kathmandu
Grade: II                    Dashain Homework - 2074
Wonder English
a. Write 10 sentences about yourself.
            b. Write a paragraph about ' Your Teacher'.
            c. Use the following words in meaningful sentences.
( teacher, school, book, playground, student, read, writing, dancing, farmer, class)
English Skills:
a. Write opposite meaning of the following words.
            ( long, in, high, fast, day, old, expensive, far, slim, up)
b. Write  a paragraph about your 'School'.
Social: a. Make a list of work that you do at home and at school.
b. Make a list of food that you eat during different festivals.
c. Make a picture of  a kite and colour it.
Life Skills:
a.       Do you have a pet in your home? Draw its picture.
b.      Write 5 pages handwriting.
Science: Draw a traffic light in a chart paper and colour it.
G.K.  : a. Name any 5 famous Nepalese people..
                b. Name any 10 festivals.
                c. Name any 5 famous temples.
Maths: a. Write the table of 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,and 15
            g]kfnL M
c_ xfdLn] bz}+df s'g eujfgsf] k'hf u5f}{F, eujfgsf] kmf]6f] cfˆgf] sfkLdf 6fF; /
ltdLn] bz}Fdf sxfF uP/ eujfgsf] k'hf u¥of}, n]v .
cf_ & kfgf x:tn]vg n]v .
g]kfnL Jofs/0f M
c_ % kfgf x:tn]vg u/ .

Happy Dashain – 2074

Friday, September 15, 2017

Dashain Homework 1

Trilok Children's Academy
Balaju – 16, Kathmandu
Dashain Homework – 2074
    Grade: I
English Skills:  a. Write about yourself and your hero.
b. Write 5 pages handwriting.
Social:  a. Make a list of work that you can do yourself.
b. Write down any six greeting words.
GK: a. Name any 10 birds' name.
         b. Name any 10 wild animals' name.
Science: a. Collect pictures of wild animals and paste in the chart paper.
      b. Write 5 pages handwriting.
Life Skills: a. Write 10 pages handwriting.
      b. Collect photographs of Dashain functions and paste in the chart paper.
Maths:  1. Write multiplication table of  1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and  6.
      2. Add:
       22                                36                                54
 +   14                           +  10                            +  15

c_ bz}Fdf sxfF uof} / s] s] u¥of} n]v .  
cf_ rª\ufsf] lrq agfpm / /ª nuffpm .
O_  % kfgf x:tn]vg u/ .
Wonder English:
a.      Write a paragraph about yourself.
b.      Write opposite meaning of the following words:
happy, soft, up, in, hot, near, inside, beautiful

Happy Dashain – 2074



Dashain Homework 2074 UKG

UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet