Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dashain Homework class 4

Balaju-16, Kathmandu
Dashain Homework - 2074
Grade: IV
Wonder English:
a. Solve the question paper of mid-term examination.
b. Write a letter to your friend by informing about your    
     Dashain Vacation.
Computer: Draw a picture of large laptop computer and desktop computer in chart paper.
Life Skills: Write any five rules and regulations of school and library.
English Skills: 
a. Write a letter to your friend describing about Dashain festival.
b. Write an essay on ' Discipline'.
Social :
1. Solve the question paper of mid-term examination.
2. Paste different types of dresses according to their tradition on chart paper. (Tharu, Newar, Sherpa, Magar, Brahmin)
Prepare note copy and solve the question paper of mid-term examination.
Maths: Write multiplication table 2 to 20.

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Happy Dashain – 2074

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