Sunday, September 17, 2017

Dashain Homework Class 2

Trilok Children' Academy
Balaju-16, Kathmandu
Grade: II                    Dashain Homework - 2074
Wonder English
a. Write 10 sentences about yourself.
            b. Write a paragraph about ' Your Teacher'.
            c. Use the following words in meaningful sentences.
( teacher, school, book, playground, student, read, writing, dancing, farmer, class)
English Skills:
a. Write opposite meaning of the following words.
            ( long, in, high, fast, day, old, expensive, far, slim, up)
b. Write  a paragraph about your 'School'.
Social: a. Make a list of work that you do at home and at school.
b. Make a list of food that you eat during different festivals.
c. Make a picture of  a kite and colour it.
Life Skills:
a.       Do you have a pet in your home? Draw its picture.
b.      Write 5 pages handwriting.
Science: Draw a traffic light in a chart paper and colour it.
G.K.  : a. Name any 5 famous Nepalese people..
                b. Name any 10 festivals.
                c. Name any 5 famous temples.
Maths: a. Write the table of 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,and 15
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Happy Dashain – 2074

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