Friday, May 17, 2019

EPH Practice for First term Exam Grade 9

Class: 9                                                            Full Marks: 75
Time: 2:15 hrs.
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.
Attempt all questions.

Group ‘A’

Very Short answer questions:                                  (11 ´ 1= 11)
1.   How is health defined by WHO?
2.   Form which country scientific vital registration system started in the world?
3.   Mention one objective of development.
4.   Mention the total population of our country according to 2011 A.D.
5.   What is the reason behind safety of joint family?
6.   Upto which altitude, tropical forest is found in the western part of Nepal?
7.   Which day is celebrated as the world environment day?
8.   How is abstinence one of the ways of safer sexual behavior? Write a reason.
9.   Write one objective of consumer's health.
10. Define primary health care.
11. Mention any two qualities of first aider.

Group ‘B’

Short answer questions:                                           (9 ´ 4 = 36)
12. Justify the needs and importance of environment education.
13. Classify the sources of population data and briefly describe any one of them.
What are the techniques of census? Describe any two of them.
14. Describe any one developmental project of your locality along with advantages and disadvantages.
15. Why was PGR of Nepal increased after 1941AD onwards? Explain any two reasons.
16. State the importance of family life education.
17. How are human beings and natural resources interrelated? Explain.
      Analyze the land resources of our country.
18. Define environmental health and mention any four importance of it.
19. “Adolescence is the time of stress and storm.” Discuss.
20. Define consumer health and mention any five importance of it.
Describe provision of essential drugs and health education as the elements of PHC.

Group ‘C’

Long answer questions:                                            (4 ´7 = 28)
21. Define census. Mention its four advantages and disadvantages as well.
22. What is family? Mention the characteristics of Nepalese family
23. What are natural resources? Show the major differences between renewable and non-renewable resources.
24. What are the major problems which may occur during adolescence? Briefly describe any four of the along with solution.



UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet