Friday, May 17, 2019

Social Studies for First term Grade 10

 Social Studies
Class: 10                                                          Full Marks: 75
Time: 2:15 hrs.
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.
Attempt all questions.
Group 'A'
;d"x …sÚ

Very short-answer questions:                                  [7×1=7]
tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] clt 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
1.   Write one important function of Human Resource Management.
      dfgj ;|f]t Joj:yfkgsf] Ps dxTjk"0f{ sfo{ n]Vg'xf];\ .
2.  What is the main objective of President Chure Conservation Programme?
      /fi6«ktL r'/] ;+/If0f sfo{qmdsf] d'Vo p2]Zo s] xf] <
3.   Name the national heritage which is listed in world heritage site.
ljZj ;Dkbf ;"rLdf ;"lrs[t /fli6«o ;Dkbfsf] gfd n]Vg'xf];\ .

4.   What is your opinion regarding human organ trafficking? Write in a sentence.
      dfgj c+u a]rljvg ;DaGwL tkfOsf] wf/0ff n]Vg'xf];\ .
5.  What was the main objective of Delhi agreement?
      lbNnL ;Demf}tfsf] d'Vo p2]Zo s] lyof] <
6.   There is a great prospect of religious tourism in Nepal. Give two important reasons.
      g]kfndf wfld{s ko{6gsf] ;+efjgf 7"nf] 5 . s'g} b'O{ sf/0f lbg'xf];\ .
7.   Write any two requirements to become the member of UNO.
      ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ;b:o aGg s'g} b'O{cf]6f ;t{x¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .

Group 'B'
;d"x …vÚ
Short-answer questions:                                           [10×4=40]
tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] 5f]6f] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
8.   ‘Federal system maintains close relationship between the government and the people’. Justify the statement giving the example of federal system of Nepal.
      …;+l3o zf;g k|0ffnLn] ;/sf/ / hgtf aLr glhssf] ;DaGw :yfkgf ub{5 .Ú o; egfOnfO{ g]kfnsf] ;+l3o zf;g k|0ffnLsf] pbfx/0f lbFb} k'i6L ug'{xf];\ .
9.   What are the aspects to be considered while running the projects according to the concept of sustainable development?
      lbuf] ljsf;sf] cjwf/0ff cg';f/ kl/of]hgf ;+rfng ubf{ s'g s'g kIfnfO{ ljrf/ k'¥ofpg' k5{ .
10. The condition of our national heritages which are listed in the world heritage list are degrading day by day and UNESCO has warned us to exclude them. In this present condition, give your suggestions to improve the situations.
      ljZj ;Dkbfdf ;"lrs[t xfd|f /fli6«o ;Dkbfx¿ lbg lbg} lju|b} uPsf 5g\ o:tf] cj:yfdf o"g]:sf]n] To:tf ;DkbfnfO{ ljZj ;Dkbfaf6 aflx/ lgsfNg] r]tfjgL lbPsf] 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;'wf/ ug{] s] ug'{ k5{ ;'emfa lbg'xf];\ .
Dowry-System-In-India-Essay-Speech-Paragraph-Article-in-English-History-Causes-Effects-Solutions11.What does the following picture indicate? Mention the effects and solutions of such activities in the society.
tnsf tl:j/n] s] ;+s]t u5{ < o;sf] c;/ / ;dwfgsf pkfox¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
12. What is the difference between the citizenship by Decent and Naturalized citizenship?
      j+zsf] gful/stf / c+lus[t gful/stf aLrsf] leGgtf n]Vg'xf];\ .
camels_Grand_Erg_Desert_Algeria_J_Van_Acker_FAO_1790213. Write the name of the climatic region of the following picture and write any three climatic features of this region.
      tn lbOPsf] lrq s'g xfjfkfgLsf] If]qsf] xf] < o;sf s'g} tLgcf]6f ljz]iftfx¿ n]Vg'xf];\ .
14. How does altitude affect the climate? Give reasons with examples.
      prfOn] s;/L xfjfkfgLdf k|efj kf5{ < pbfx/0f ;lxt sf/0f lbg'xf];\ .
15. What were the changes seen after the introduction of democracy in 2007 B.S? Prepare a model of email to be sent to your friend mentioning its answers.
      @))& ;fnsf] k|hftGqsf] :yfkgf kl5 ;dfhdf s] s:tf kl/jt{gx¿ b]vfk/] o;nfO{ ;d]6]/ ;fyLnfO{ k7fpg] Od]nsf] gd'gf tof/ ug'{xf];\ .
16. Prepare a model of news for a daily newspaper about great Himalayan trail and entertainment to be obtained from it.
      lxdfnL >[vnfaf6 dgf]/~hg k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 eGg] ljifodf Pp6f /fli6«o b}lgssf] nflu gd'gf ;dfrf/ tof/ kfg'{xf];\ .
17. Which one do you think is the most important among the UN specialized Agencies? Justify your answer with your logics.
      ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf ljlzi6s[6 c+u dWo] ltd|f] ljrf/df ;a}eGbf dxTjk"0f{ s'g xf] < cfˆgf] ts{ ;lxt k'i6L ug'{xf];\ .

Group 'C'
;d"x …uÚ

Write long answer of the following questions:       [4x7=28]
tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] nfdf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ M
18. Describe the composition of House of Representatives and examine the qualification for the member of federal parliament.
      k|ltlglw ;efsf] u7g af/] JofVof ug'{xf];\ / ;+l3o ;+;bsf] ;b:o aGgsf nflu rflxg] of]Uotfsf] af/]df n]Vg'xf];\ .
19. Draw an outline map of Nepal and locate following facts with appropriate symbols.
      g]kfnsf] gS;f agfO{ tnsf 7fpFx¿ pko'Qm ;+s]tn] eg'{xf];\ .
      Mt. Kanchanjunga -s~rghª\uf lxdfn_, Fikkal -lkmSsn_, Bhairawa Airport -e}/jf ljdfg:yn_, Seti River -;]tL gbL_
Draw the map of North America and insert the following of facts.
pQ/ cd]l/sfsf] gS;f agfO{ lgDg :yfgx¿ eg'{xf];\ .
Hudson Bay -x8;j vf8L_, Rocky Mountain -/sL kj{t_, Parries -k|]l/h_ Death Valley -d[t pkTofsf_
20. Describe any four causes and three consequences of World War First.
      k|yd ljZj o'4sf rf/ sf/0f / tLgcf]6f kl/0ffx¿sf] JofVof ug'{xf];\ .
21. What are the positive and negative impacts of the foreign employment in our country?
      j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ln] xfd|f] b]zdf s:tf ;s/fTds / gs/fTds k|efjx¿ kfb{5g\ . n]Vg'xf];\ .

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UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet