Monday, July 22, 2019

Culture – Spelling List

Culture – Spelling List
1.    culture
all the knowledge and values shared by a society
2.    ritual
the prescribed procedure for conducting religious ceremonies
3.    belief
any cognitive content held as true
4.    values
beliefs of a group in which they have emotional investment
5.    ethnocentric
centered on a specific ethnic group, usually one's own
6.    history
a record or narrative description of past events
7.    geography
study of the earth's surface
8.    economics
science dealing with the circulation of goods and services
9.    government
the system or form by which a community is ruled
the branch of anthropology that deals with human culture and society
the doctrine that different peoples can coexist peacefully
a conventional or formulaic conception or image
an affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties
a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes
15. GDP
the measure of an economy adopted by the United States in 1991; the total market values of goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's borders during a given period (usually 1 year)
exploitation by a stronger country of weaker one
17. global
involving the entire earth
1.    emigrate
leave one's country of residence for a new one
2.    dialect
the usage or vocabulary characteristic of a group of people
3.    immigrate
come into a new country and change residency
4.    ethnocentrism
belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group
5.    descendant
a person considered as coming from some ancestor or race
6.    diffusion
the act of dispersing something
7.    socialization
the adoption of the behavior of the surrounding culture
8.    mores
the conventions embodying the fundamental values of a group
9.    acculturation
the adoption of the behavior patterns of one's surroundings
the process of absorbing one cultural group into another

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