Monday, July 22, 2019

Geography - Spelling List

Geography - Spelling List 

  1. discharge
    the pouring forth of a fluid
  2. precipitation
    the falling to earth of any form of water
  3. evaporation
    the process of becoming a suspension of particles in the air
  4. groundwater level
    underground surface below which the ground is wholly saturated with water
  5. infiltration
    the slow passage of a liquid through a medium
  6. percolation
    the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium
  7. overland
    traveling or passing over land
  8. velocity
    distance travelled per unit time
  9. erosion
    the process of wearing or grinding something down
  10. interception
    the act of intercepting
  11. condensation
    process of changing from a gas to a liquid or solid state
  12. channel
    a deep and relatively narrow body of water
  13. moisture
    wetness caused by water
  14. hydrography
    the science of the measurement and description and mapping of the surface waters of the earth with special reference to navigation
  15. flood
    the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto land
  16. flood plain
    a low plain adjacent to a river that is formed chiefly of river sediment and is subject to flooding
  17. hydraulic
    moved or operated or effected by liquid
  18. cross section
    a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis
  19. attrition
    the act of rubbing together
  20. abrasion
    erosion by friction
  21. corrasion
    erosion by friction
  22. corrosion
    erosion by chemical action
  23. sinuosity
    having curves
  24. frequency
    the number of occurrences within a given time period
  25. magnitude
    the property of relative size or extent
  26. recurrence
    event of happening again, especially at regular intervals
  27. ocean
    a large body of water that is part of the hydrosphere
  28. atmosphere
    the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body
  29. drainage basin
    the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet
  30. watershed
    a ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems
  31. boundary
    the line indicating the limit or extent of something
  32. puddle
    a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid
  33. river basin
    the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet
  34. riverbank
    the bank of a river
  35. vegetation
    the process of growth in plants
  36. runoff
    the occurrence of surplus liquid exceeding capacity
  37. torrential
    relating to or resulting from the action of a downpour
  38. arid
    lacking sufficient water or rainfall
  39. permeable
    allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through
  40. impermeable
    preventing especially liquids to pass or diffuse through
  41. interval
    the distance between things
  42. surplus
    a quantity much larger than is needed
  43. deficit
    the property of being less than expected or required
  44. abstraction
    the act of withdrawing or removing something
  45. cubic meter
    a metric unit of volume or capacity equal to 1000 liters
  46. flow
    move along, of liquids
  47. volume
    a relative amount
  48. peak
    the highest point of something
  49. lag
    hang or fall in movement, progress, development, etc.
  50. stream
    a natural body of water flowing on or under the earth
  51. waterlogged
    (of soil) soft and watery
  52. antecedent
    a preceding occurrence or cause or event
  53. drainage
    emptying something accomplished by allowing liquid to run out of it
  54. drainage system
    a system of watercourses or drains for carrying off excess water
  55. narrow
    not wide
  56. wide
    having great extent from one side to the other
  57. storm
    a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning
  58. deciduous
    shedding foliage at the end of the growing season
  59. density
    the amount per unit size
  60. lateral
    situated at or extending to the side
  61. valley
    a long depression in the surface of the land
  62. riverbed
    a channel occupied (or formerly occupied) by a river
  63. particle
    (nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
  64. shock wave
    a region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity
  65. rock
    material consisting of the aggregate of minerals
  66. transportation
    the act of moving something from one location to another
  67. solution
    a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances
  68. dissolve
    pass into a solution
  69. acidic
    being or containing an acid
  70. suspension
    a mixture in which fine particles are supported by buoyancy
  71. turbulence
    instability in the atmosphere
  72. buoyancy
    the tendency to float in water or other liquid
  73. saltation
    a light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards
  74. load
    weight to be borne or conveyed
  75. traction
    the friction between a body and a surface on which it moves
  76. deposition
    the natural process of laying something down
  77. energy
    forceful exertion
  78. capacity
    capability to perform or produce
  79. competence
    the quality of being adequately or well qualified
  80. gradient
    a graded change in the magnitude of something
  81. sea level
    level of the ocean's surface
  82. lake
    a body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land
  83. reservoir
    lake used to store water for community use
  84. waterfall
    a steep descent of the water of a river
  85. river
    a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek)
  86. source
    the place where something begins
  87. mouth
    the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water
  88. potential energy
    mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of its position
  89. kinetic energy
    the mechanical energy that a body has by virtue of motion
  90. steep
    having a sharp inclination
  91. inclination
    the act of bending forward
  92. friction
    the resistance when a body is moved in contact with another
  93. downstream
    in the direction of a stream's current
  94. upstream
    toward the source or against the current
  95. efficiency
    skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort
  96. protruding
    extending out above or beyond a surface or boundary
  97. bank
    financial institution that accepts deposits and lends money
  98. shallow
    lacking physical depth
  99. deep
    having great spatial extension downward or inward
  100. radius
    a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle
  101. proportion
    relation with respect to comparative quantity or magnitude
  102. angular
    having the shape of intersecting lines or planes
  103. broad
    having great extent from one side to the other
  104. meander
    move or cause to move in a winding or curving course
  105. profile
    an outline of something, especially a face from the side
  106. slope
    be at an angle
  107. gentle
    soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
  108. rapid
    a part of a river where the current is very fast
  109. pothole
    a pit or cavity in a road produced by wear or weathering
  110. fluvial
    of or relating to or happening in a river
  111. undercut
    cut away the underpart of
  112. collapse
    break down, literally or metaphorically
  113. plunge
    dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity
  114. pool
    a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid
  115. turbulent flow
    flow in which the velocity at any point varies erratically
  116. gorge
    a deep ravine, usually with a river running through it
  117. ravine
    a deep narrow steep-sided valley
  118. retreat
    the act of withdrawing or going backward
  119. hollow
    not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
  120. motion
    the act of changing location from one place to another
  121. riffle
    stir up (water) so as to form ripples
  122. ripple
    a small wave on the surface of a liquid
  123. corkscrew
    move in a spiral or zigzag course
  124. oxbow lake
    a crescent-shaped lake (often temporary) that is formed when a meander of a river is cut off from the main channel
  125. asymmetrical
    characterized by an imbalance in spatial arrangement
  126. meltwater
    melted snow or ice
  127. sediment
    matter that has been deposited by some natural process
  128. alluvium
    clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down
  129. overflow
    flow or run over (a limit or brim)
  130. levee
    an embankment built to prevent a river from overflowing
  131. embankment
    a long artificial mound of stone or earth
  132. sea
    a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land
  133. tributary
    a branch that flows into the main stream
  134. distributary
    a branch of a river that flows away from the main stream and does not rejoin it
  135. delta
    a triangular area of alluvial deposits where a river divides
  136. rejuvenation
    the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored
  137. incised
    cut or impressed into a surface
  138. winding
    marked by repeated turns and bends
  139. prolonged
    relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
  140. rainfall
    water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
  141. saturated
    unable to dissolve still more of a substance
  142. flash flood
    a sudden local flood of great volume and short duration
  143. inundated
    covered with water
  144. contaminated
    rendered unwholesome by contaminants and pollution
  145. dysentery
    an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea
  146. marsh
    low-lying wet land with grassy vegetation
  147. pond
    a small lake
  148. habitat
    the type of environment in which an organism normally lives
  149. monsoon
    a seasonal wind in southern Asia
  150. typhoon
    a tropical cyclone in the western Pacific or Indian oceans
  151. cyclone
    a violent storm in which air moves in a circular direction
  152. hurricane
    a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds
  153. tornado
    a violently destructive windstorm occurring over land
  154. deforestation
    the state of being clear of trees
  155. livelihood
    the financial means whereby one supports oneself
  156. porous
    full of holes
  157. soak
    submerge in a liquid
  158. concrete
    a strong hard building material made with gravel and cement
  159. tarmac
    a paved surface having compressed layers of broken rocks held together with tar
  160. cost-benefit analysis
    an analysis of the cost effectiveness of different alternatives in order to see whether the benefits outweigh the costs
  161. engineering
    applying scientific knowledge to practical problems
  162. dam
    a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water
  163. spillway
    a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction
  164. diversion
    a turning aside
  165. wetland
    a low area where the land is saturated with water
  166. restoration
    returning something or someone to a satisfactory state
  167. hydroelectric turbine
    turbine consisting of a large and efficient version of a water wheel used to drive an electric generator
  168. riparian
    relating to or located on the banks of a river or stream
  169. buffer
    protect from impact
  170. environment
    the totality of surrounding conditions
  171. landslide
    the descent of a large mass of dirt and rock down a slope
  172. swash
    dash a liquid upon or against
  173. backwash
    the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward
  174. constructive
    tending to improve or promote development
  175. destructive
    causing damage
  176. quarrying
    the extraction of building stone or slate from an open surface quarry
  177. coastline
    the outline of a coast
  178. breaking point
    the degree of tension or stress at which something breaks
  179. prevailing wind
    the predominant wind direction
  180. predominant
    having superior power and influence
  181. cliff
    a steep high face of rock
  182. notch
    a small cut
  183. cave
    a geological formation consisting of an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from the sea
  184. headland
    a natural elevation
  185. bay
    an indentation of a shoreline smaller than a gulf
  186. gulf
    an arm of a sea or ocean partly enclosed by land
  187. arch
    a curved shape
  188. blowhole
    a hole for the escape of gas or air
  189. stack
    an orderly pile
  190. pressure
    the exertion of force to a surface
  191. beach
    an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake
  192. shingle
    coarse beach gravel of small waterworn stones and pebbles
  193. berm
    a narrow ledge or shelf at the top or bottom of a slope
  194. ridge
    a long narrow natural elevation or striation
  195. striation
    a groove or ridge
  196. elevation
    distance of something above a reference point
  197. runnel
    a small stream
  198. bedrock
    solid unweathered rock beneath surface deposits of soil
  199. pebble
    a small smooth rounded rock
  200. high tide
    the tide when the water is highest
  201. low tide
    the lowest (farthest) ebb of the tide
  202. springtide
    a greater than average tide occurring during the new and full moons
  203. groove
    a long narrow furrow cut by a natural process or a tool
  204. cusp
    point formed by two intersecting arcs
  205. mud flat
    a tract of low muddy land near an estuary
  206. salt marsh
    low-lying wet land that is frequently flooded with saltwater
  207. lagoon
    a body of water cut off from a larger body by a reef
  208. spit
    a narrow strip of land that juts out into the sea
  209. sand dune
    a ridge of sand created by the wind
  210. submergence
    sinking until covered completely with water
  211. onshore
    (of winds) coming from the sea toward the land
  212. offshore
    (of winds) coming from the land
  213. tectonic
    pertaining to the structure or movement of the earth's crust
  214. glacier
    a slowly moving mass of ice
  215. compression
    the act of applying force
  216. decompression
    relieving pressure
  217. ice
    water frozen in the solid state
  218. accumulation
    the act of gathering up
  219. subsidence
    a gradual sinking to a lower level
  220. infrastructure
    basic facilities needed for the functioning of a country
  221. fjord
    a long narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs
  222. threshold
    a region marking a boundary
  223. emerge
    come out into view, as from concealment
  224. submerge
    put under water
  225. submarine earthquake
    an earthquake at the sea bed
  226. tsunami
    a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave
  227. volcanic eruption
    the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material
  228. current
    a steady flow of a fluid or gas
  229. surge
    rise and move, as in waves or billows
  230. billow
    a large sea wave
  231. earthquake
    vibration from underground movement along a fault plane
  232. nourishment
    a source of materials to nourish the body
  233. nourish
    provide with sustenance
  234. sustenance
    the act of providing a means of subsistence or survival
  235. stabilisation
    the act of stabilizing something or making it more stable
  236. coastal plain
    a plain adjacent to a coast
  237. seawall
    a protective structure of stone or concrete
  238. revetment
    a facing (usually masonry) that supports an embankment
  239. groyne
    a protective structure of stone or concrete
  240. breakwater
    a protective structure of stone or concrete
  241. grazing
    the act of brushing against while passing
  242. grazing land
    a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
  243. livestock
    any animals kept for use or profit
  244. altitude
    elevation above sea level or above the earth's surface
  245. latitude
    an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
  246. polar
    of or existing within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles
  247. alpine
    relating to or characteristic of high mountains
  248. mountain range
    a series of hills or mountains
  249. equator
    an imaginary line around the Earth forming a great circle
  250. isotherm
    (meteorology) an isogram connecting points having the same temperature at a given time
  251. permafrost
    ground that is permanently frozen
  252. plateau
    a relatively flat highland
  253. ablation
    the erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers
  254. sublimation
    a change directly from the solid to the gaseous state
  255. avalanche
    a slide of large masses of snow, ice and mud down a mountain
  256. debris
    the remains of something that has been destroyed
  257. sublimate
    change directly from a solid into a vapor without melting
  258. iceberg
    a large mass of ice floating at sea
  259. geothermal
    of or relating to the heat in the interior of the earth
  260. equilibrium
    a stable situation in which forces cancel one another
  261. moraine
    accumulated earth and stones deposited by a glacier
  262. corrie
    a steep-walled semicircular basin in a mountain
  263. arete
    a sharp narrow ridge found in rugged mountains
  264. trough
    a concave shape with an open top
  265. concave
    curving inward
  266. drumlin
    a mound of glacial drift
  267. estuary
    the wide part of a river where it nears the sea
  268. spring
    a natural flow of ground water
  269. ecosystem
    organisms interacting with their physical environment
  270. intermittent
    stopping and starting at irregular intervals
  271. deflation
    (geology) the erosion of soil as a consequence of sand and dust and loose rocks being removed by the wind
  272. pediment
    a triangular gable between a horizontal entablature and a sloping roof
  273. butte
    a hill that rises abruptly from the surrounding region
  274. badlands
    deeply eroded barren land
  275. canyon
    a ravine formed by a river in an area with little rainfall
  276. desertification
    a gradual transformation into arid, uninhabitable land
  277. irrigation
    the act of supplying dry land with water by artificial means
  278. windbreak
    hedge or fence of trees designed to lessen the force of the wind and reduce erosion
  279. cultivation
    production of food by preparing the land to grow crops
  280. aquifer
    underground layer of rock or sand that yields groundwater

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