Monday, September 14, 2015
First Health, then Wealth TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
First Health, then Wealth
Health is defined as the state of being physically and mentally fit. It is said that health is wealth. Health is our best wealth. If a man is healthy he can work hard and can achieve success in his life. He can earn a lot of wealth. A healthy man is always cheerful. He possesses strength mind. He has self-confidence. He doesn't lose heart easily. He can face dangers and difficulties boldly. If a man is healthy, he can enjoy his wealth. He finds happiness in his life. A healthy man is a happy man.
If a man is unhealthy, he cannot be happy in his life. He cannot work hard. He cannot accomplish anything in life. He always thinks of his ill-health. He cannot enjoy his wealth. He has no courage. He becomes timid person. He feels always upset with small difficulties. And also feels sad and miserable.
If a man wants to be happy in life, he most improves his health. Many things are necessary to preserve health. The first necessary thing is cleanliness. We should put on clean clothes. We should keep our surroundings clean. Our houses should be sanitary and well-ventilated.
The second necessary thing is good food. We should eat nourishing food. If our foot is poor, we cannot maintain good health. We should take plenty of milk, meat, fish, egg, fruits, etc. Our food should be pure and fresh. If we drink impure water, we become a prey to diseases.
The development of the country depends on the health of its people. If people are healthy, they can work hard and develop their country. The people of our country can't give much important to good health. This is due to their ignorance and poverty. The majority of our people are illiterate. They are unknown about the rules of health. As they are poor, they cannot eat good food also which leads to different health problems. Children should be taught the importance of the health. Health education should form part of school education,. If children learn the values of the health then they will try to maintain good health all trough life. Hence, it becomes the wealth of the people.
Mother is the First Teacher of every Child TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
"Mother is the First Teacher of every Child"
Simply, mother refers to the person who gives birth to young ones. She takes care of her child she loves her children very much. She protects the children from antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal factors as well as antibodies from many specific organisms by feeding her milk. She protects the children from warm and cold. Mother always takes children in her chest.
When they grow, she teaches the lesson about discipline and well manner. She teaches the bad and good, write and wrong about different things. She plays an important role for the successful life of her children. Mothers are the supporter of their children in every step of the life and help in every field. She guide to children run in a right path in their life. She teaches her children to respect for elder and love for youngest.
Home is the first school of the children where the mother is a teacher who teaches most important lessons for her children. Doing this are the most of the mothers because fathers are busy in earning money in order to fulfill the needs of family. Therefore, mothers are responsible to teach the good lessons for their children.
Children became that whatever the mother wants to make for them. For e.g. the potter gives the shape for the pot whichever shape he wants to give. In this way, she provides knowledge to the children and children becomes great person in the future. They also can help their mother in every step of her life and became the life-insurance of her in future.
In conclusion, by bearing hard situations, mother gives birth to her children. She provides education to her children and makes able to be a good and successful person in their life. The persons like doctors, engineers, pilots, nurses, businessmen, all were getting first step of education from mother. Mother never gives wrong education for their children. So, we should receive the education from the mother whatever she teaches us. Hence, mother is a source of education.
Mother: The all source of Education TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
"Mother: The all source of Education"
Mother is a special person in our life. She is one who gives birth to her new babies. Mother protects her children's from danger. The 'Mother' is so special in everyone's life that it can't be explain in word. Those persons who have mother in their life are so lucky. All the persons may not be so lucky.
Mother loves her child so much that if she does not see her child in-front of her eye, she became so worried about child. She spends her whole life to bring up her child. Mother keeps their children's in her womb for nine months. In that time she has to face different difficulties, but she care about it. She faces with many problems and gives birth to her baby in this beautiful world. If there was mother then we can't be in this position where we are now here.
Mother role is very important in our life. She is one who teaches us the ways to live. She teaches her babies to be disciplined, honest and dutiful. She makes her child to face different problems that comes on his/her daily life. She always wants and tries to make her child a best person of the society. She work hard to make her child well mannered and disciplined person. The first school for the child is the lap of their mother he/she can get knowledge about life and it's problem.
All people say that nothing is perfect or everything has both advantage and disadvantage in this world but mother is the person who has only advantage in our life who does not have any disadvantage. She does the work which is benefit for her children. She dreams that one day her child will shine her name and his/her self in this world. She have always bless for her children to defend his enemies.
Mother provides all sorts of knowledge to her baby so that her babies don't feel any obstacle in their life. Mother has an important role in everyone's life. She teaches her babies to be a great person.
What is Health? …
According to WHO "Health is state of being physically and mentally fit, merely the absence of diseases." Health is the most valuable property of human beings. Human health is important for the fitness of the person. If the health condition of a person isn't good then the person can't be healthy. The person having good health can contribute for the development of a nation.
Health is the most valuable properties of human beings. So, it is said that "Health is Wealth" there is say that if wealth lost nothing is lost, if education is lost everything is lost as like if health is lost everything is lost. Human power is very important source for the construction and development of the country. But for it, good health condition of the people of the country is important.
If a person healthy, then he/she can do any kind of job. If someone has to go abroad for the study or job then, at that time the medical checkup is necessary. If any kind of defect is seen in his/her health then they are not allowed to go abroad. This prove that health is most important things in everyone life. The healthy, person can get education and he can earn money and live happy life. It is said that" A sound mind lives in a sound body". It is only in a healthy mind resides without proper health and hygiene there cannot be a proper frame of mind.
Without proper health the person cannot do any kind of job. If a person always becomes sick, he/she don't do any kind of job. Then at that time he/she is burden for the family. For keeping our health good we must have a proper nutrition food, do regular exercise etc. Similarly, hospital and health posts should be established in every corner of the country.
Health is the most valuable wealth of the people. Healthy person can earn money for his whole life. But if someone is rich but his health condition is not good, then he/she can be healthy. So, everyone must try to maintain good health.
The Nation of Lord Pashupatinath TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
The Nation of Lord Pashupatinath
Our country Nepal is a small land locked country. Our country Nepal lies in the lap of the Himalayas, the world highest mountain ranges. Our country is about 75% of its area is mountainous. Still the topography is quite uneven.
The area of our country Nepal is 1,47,181 on the basis of physiographical features, Nepal is divided into three destine regions which run east-west across the country.
The Himalayan regions comprise the highest area of Nepal above an altitude of 3300 m from the sea level along the northern belt of the country. The Himalayas is the highest mountain ranges of the world. Many of the highest peaks of the world above 8000 m, including Mt. Everest, the highest of all, lie in Himalayan region. Himalayan region occupies altogether 16 districts like Humla, Dolpa, Rasuwa, Solukhumbu, Teplejung and covers about 15% of the total area of the country.
The hilly region is the world widest band running east west between the Himalayan region in the north and the terai region is the south. Hilly region consists of about 68% of the total area of the country and altogether 39 districts.
The terai region comprises three narrows bands the terai , the chure range, and the inner-terai, all running east-west in parallel along the southern part. Terai region occupies 20 districts which amount about 17% of the total territory of the country. Its sub-tropical evergreen forests are very dense and extensive.
Facilities of transportation and communication are highly extended in the Terai Region, as the land topography there is leveled and comfortable. Large scale industries as well distributed. Non-agricultural job like in trade, business, and services are also possible. The hilly region has less extended facilities and job opportunities due to its more comfortable hilly structure than that of Himalayan region. Development infrastructures have not reached at most places. But high mountains with very cold and snowy condition have attracted people from throughout the world for mountaineering which has brought several job opportunities to the people of this region. In our country festivals are celebrated. Mainly the woman or girls are mostly engaged in this type of ceremony. Women mainly celebrate festivals like Teej, Krishnaasthami, Shivarathri, etc. Our country is poor in economic but rich in culture. So, I love my country.
The Nation of Natural Diversity TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
The Nation of Natural Diversity
My country name is Nepal. I love my country Nepal. It lies between Indian and China. Nepal is divided into three distinct regions which run east-west across the country.
i. The Himalayan Region
ii. The Hilly Region
iii. The Terai Region
Our country Nepal is a small land locked country. Our Nepal is second richest country in the water resources of all over the world. Nepal is the agriculture country. Nepal has poor economic condition. We should be proud of being Nepali people because there is Mount-Everest also. There are so many hills, animals and birds. Nepal's climate conditions can be divided into two periods.
Summer condition
During Chaitra, Baishakh, and Jyeshtha the three months of the period, it Is quite hot except in the highest Elevations. It is dry, windy, and hazy due to dust.
Winter condition
Situations are almost completely opposite in the winter period that lasts from Ashwin to Falgun. It gets increasing colder for the first four or five months and weather is dry. There is about 3 corer population in Nepal. Lumbini is the birth palce of Gautam Buddha. He is known as "Light of Asia". He is a person who made our peace and nice. Our country is not well developed but also many tourists are coming in our country to see the natural beauties.
They will pay money to come in our Nepal and to see our natural beauty. We should respect them. Our Nepal is one garden of flower. The terai region is leveled alluvial plain. It has easier facilities of irrigation. So people are involving in the cultivation of tropical and sub-tropical crops like paddy, mustard, tobacco and sugarcane. Due to hot climate as many as 3 types of crops in a year are possible in the region. Large scales industries like sugar factories, cigarette factories provide good market for the agricultural products. Agriculture is possible in the terraces of central belt of Nepal due to adequate monsoon rain which receives in summer. Most of we are hindu and celebrate Dashain, Tihar, Teej, etc. Dashain is the most importance and biggest festivals of Neplese people.
Tihar is also second biggest festivals of Nepalesse people. It is most importance for Nepalese sister. Another festival is Teej. It is the most and most importance for Hindus Women. They take fast for their husband having a belief that their husband will have long life. We can enjoy a lot in these festivals. Another famous festival is Masta Puja which is celebrated by khas people of Bheri, Karnali, Seti, and Manakali zone of the Mid-west and Far-west Nepal. masta is their main deity but with no specific image.
So, our country Nepal is a beautiful country among all over the world. we should not forget that "Hario Ban Nepal ko Dhan".
The Nation of Beauty: Nepal TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
The Nation of Beauty
The world is really very vast. In this world there are different countries. Among them my country Nepal is also one. Our country is developing day by day. Nepal lies in the temperate region of the world where sun's rays are moderate. Our country is small land locked country lying in the lap of Himalayas. Our country is divided into three geographical regions. (i.e. Himalayan, Hilly, and Terai) and the area of Nepal is 1,47,181
The Himalayan region comprises the highest are of Nepal above an altitude of 3,300m from the sea level Mt. Everest, the highest peck lies in this region. The surface is very steep, rock and infertile. This region occupies 16 districts like Humla, Dolpa, Rasuwa, Solukhumbu and covers about 15% of total area of the country. Here the climate is very cold.
The hilly region is widest band running east-west between the Himalayan in the northern and the Terai region in the south. Its altitude ranges from 600 to 3300m from the sea levels. Here, the hill slopes, river basins, wide valleys around and is very gentle. Rivers and streams are very much and soil erosion is common here. The hilly region consists about 68% of total area of the country and altogether 39 districts.
The terai region comprises three narrower bands- the terai, the Chure range and it is completely a plain along the border with India. The west has more extreme temperature condition and lower amount of rain due to its greater distance from the sea. This region occupies 20 districts which amount about 17% of the total territory of the country. Facilities of transportation and communication are highly extended in terai region, as the land topography is leveled and comfortable.
In the past, for the first time in the world 1787 US constitution enshrined secularism. In Nepal religious tolerance was somewhat maintained even before. Nepal has given birth to many people with outstanding talent and genius. All the temples, stupas, forts, monasteries are greatest treasure of Nepal. Prithivi Narayan Shah united this nation. He told that Nepal is yam, which is between two large stones are India and China. Our country Nepal is divided into 4 main caste and 32 sub-castes. Our country is famous for the art of sculpture from ancient time. We use to make small and big status from clay, stone, metal and wood. From malla period our arts and crafts development was being. Nepalese art is renowned for its simplicity, originality and specialty. Nepali architects depict the characters and events of scriptures, Purans etc. There are types of art of painting and they are
a. Book painting
b. Scroll painting
c. Wall painting
Similarly our lifestyle is influenced by our social aspirations which also determine the norms and values. Directly and indirectly religions save our rites and rituals, feats and festivals, off springs and worship. Different castes celebrate different religions such as, Hindus celebrate Dashain, Tihar, Holi, etc. and other castes also have their own festivals. There is arranged of different jatras in the valley as well as outside the valley. Each festival has their own customs and has their own importance. Social aspirations are also expressed in such customs and traditions. Our custom and traditions have some scientific implication but over the turns of times superstition and evilness got some spaces, which need to discard.
The economy of a country will be strong if it has more export and import. Our country Nepal has more than 6000 rivers and lakes but now also all most all people are thirsty. So, government must give topmost priority to all these sources and manpower of the country. There should be situation that any manpower wouldn't go to abroad for their job than only our country will catch the way of development. In order to develop our country others countries like India, china and America are supporting us in different sectors. Our country is small but rich in natural resources and peace. All people of our country things each other as a member of their own family. They are living together by sharing the moment of sorrow and happiness with each other. Our country full of natural diversity and has its own natural beauties. There are 14 zones, 75 districts and five development region. Our national language is Nepali. But there are many castes and have their own languages also.
Although we have lots of problems we are developing our nation in the way of developing. In order to solve problems other countries are also helping us.
Our religious tolerance is there and unity. Although, we have diversity in religious, culture, caste, but there is unity in us. In order to develop skilled manpower we should work hard. For the development of different sector of the country there should be skilled manpower. I will try and I'm trying to develop me country.
Role of Youth…
Today or tomorrow needs of the nation are youths. As we know, human life begins from childhood. Gradually child grows up, they become adult, youth and lastly they become old and die. So, among these ages youth is the powerful age. So, youth time man come to be matured. Nation is combined with families and societies. So, youth are the powerful member of the societies.
Youth are mentally and physically sounds. They help in the development of the infrastructure. Youth shows their active participation in development woke. And also they are able to take decisions which are correct for the nation.
To develop the nation, active participation of the youth is needed for today because young are too young to participate and old cannot do that. So, youth are called the pillar of the nation. Most of the people of the country believe on their tradition and culture. While following tradition and culture different social evils are invited in the societies, families and whole the nation. So, at this time youth can play important role to remove such superstition and social evils such as child marriage, polygamy, girls trafficking, etc. The removal of these evils will lead our society to the successful ways and developmental ways. Youth can provide the information about the religious norms and values for the success operation of the development activities.
Youth are going abroad for their study in searching of better education. So, government should give all the facilities in their own country. As a result, youth can stay in their own nation and take active participation for the development of the nation. Youth plays important role in the development of the nation. So, youth are the pillar of the nation.
Mother - Rita Timalsina / TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
Name: Rita Timalsina
Class: X
"Mother is the all source of Education"
rying to stop the crying of a newly born baby, in the extreme pain of her health also, trying to provide happiness by hiding sorrow of her own, fulfilling the needs and desires of the children, in the situation of poverty, while facing the different problems, she always hides her difficulties and tries to solve the problems of her children is known as the mother.
As we know an educated mother can make her whole family educated. A mother is only a one person who show the ways of right direction to her children for the achievements of gods in their life. By mother a child can learn and adopt different kinds of knowledge and good habits.
We can't say that all the mother as are good. We heart sometime that some mother are throwing their child in the street after the born. Mother really takes care of children.
Especially, mother care her child more than her own body. Mother helps in their children life in every step. If there comes any difficulties in her child life she gives full support to her child as that problem is her own. We can say that mother pay full attention to her children.
Really, mother leads her children from darkness to brightness. So, mother is really a good person in the whole world to whom we cannot buy spending a huge amount of money. That's why we need to love our mother more than ourselves. Hence, she is the main source of education.
On Friday (27th Magh), our Trilok children's Academy school team went to picnic in Tribhuwan Park which is located in Thankot, Kathmandu. The students from 4 to 10 grades were actively participated in the school picnic. After the gathering of all the students in school, we started our journey at around 9:30 am and reached our destination, Thankot at 10: 00 am. We really had unforgettable fun while travelling through bus. We enjoyed a lot in bus by singing as well as dancing and finally we reached Tribhuwan Park, a beautiful and evergreen place where we transferred all the brought items and other things with the combined efforts of almost all the students. Then all the students as well as teachers reached to our picnic spot and we had our breakfast at 10:30 am. After having breakfast, we began to chat with friends, danced , sang as well as roamed here and there. It was really joyful. After that, we got something to eat at 12:30 pm.
When we finished eating, some were arranging the music system. Then our real enjoyment began. After a while we danced from 1:00 pm as the electricity came at 1:00 pm. Almost all students were dancing along with teachers. We were very much active as well as energetic during our dance. Before dancing, we also played 'antakshery' with two different groups. Last of all, we had meal to eat. We also conducted joke as well as singing competition. In fact, the picnic of 2068 was really memorable. We really had wonderful experience in it. We took photos, danced, shouted and sang so much. I enjoyed a lot in it. This will be one of the unforgettable moments for me. I collected uncountable memories in it. Even the teachers do not hesitate to dance and make fun. They behaved with students as friends.
Therefore, this picnic has become one of the wonderful events of my life time. It provided me enjoyments as well as refreshment. So such moment should never be missed. I am also eager to go to school picnic next year and gather wonderful experience.
Shared by: Jyoti chhetri, Grade : IX , Roll no: 1 TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY
"Youth is the pillar of the Nation"
Here are various stages in human life. Life starts from childhood and continues to old age. Among various stages youth is one of the ages when person is energetic and can be involved in developmental work.
Youth can greatly be involved in development of the country with their effort and force. They can lead country towards developments. As other peoples of other stages are physically and mentally strong, they cannot make great contribution in developmental activities. Youth are the pillar of the nation as they can make great contribution in developing infrastructure like education, health, communication, which is very necessary to develop a country.
Youth of present Nepal are not working in satisfactory. Most of the youth are unemployed and are engaged in social evils like girls trafficking, drugs abuse, etc which leads country to backward. They are not serious about the development of the country. Few who are educated or serious to contribute in development of the nation are not getting chance to do it.
In order to make proper utilization of the youths, governments and society have to work jointly. Government should make strict rules and regulation to stop social evils. Parents have to make favorable environment on their house so that, their children will not involved in such evil works.
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