Monday, September 14, 2015


Role of Youth…
Today or tomorrow needs of the nation are youths. As we know, human life begins from childhood. Gradually child grows up, they become adult, youth and lastly they become old and die. So, among these ages youth is the powerful age. So, youth time man come to be matured.  Nation is combined with families and societies. So, youth are the powerful member of the societies.
Youth are mentally and physically sounds. They help in the development of the infrastructure. Youth shows their active participation in development woke. And also they are able to take decisions which are correct for the nation.
To develop the nation, active participation of the youth is needed for today because young are too young to participate and old cannot do that. So, youth are called the pillar of the nation. Most of the people of the country believe on their tradition and culture. While following tradition and culture different social evils are invited in the societies, families and whole the nation. So, at this time youth can play important role to remove such superstition and social evils such as child marriage, polygamy, girls trafficking, etc. The removal of these evils will lead our society to the successful ways and developmental ways. Youth can provide the information about the religious norms and values for the success operation of the development activities.
Youth are going abroad for their study in searching of better education. So, government should give all the facilities in their own country. As a result, youth can stay in their own nation and take active participation for the development of the nation. Youth plays important role in the development of the nation. So, youth are the pillar of the nation.   

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