Monday, September 14, 2015

Mother - Rita Timalsina / TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY

Name: Rita Timalsina
Class: X
"Mother is the all source of Education"
rying to stop the crying of a newly born baby, in the extreme pain of her health also, trying to provide happiness by hiding sorrow of her own, fulfilling the needs and desires of the children, in the situation of poverty, while facing the different problems, she always hides her difficulties and tries to solve the problems of her children is known as the mother.

As we know an educated mother can make her whole family educated. A mother is only a one person who show the ways of right direction to her children for the achievements of gods in their life. By mother a child can learn and adopt different kinds of knowledge and good habits.

We can't say that all the mother as are good. We heart sometime that some mother are throwing their child in the street after the born. Mother really takes care of children.

Especially, mother care her child more than her own body. Mother helps in their children life in every step. If there comes any difficulties in her child life she gives full support to her child as that problem is her own. We can say that mother pay full attention to her children.

Really, mother leads her children from darkness to brightness. So, mother is really a good person in the whole world to whom we cannot buy spending a huge amount of money. That's why we need to love our mother more than ourselves. Hence, she is the main source of education.

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