Monday, September 14, 2015

First Health, then Wealth TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY

First Health, then Wealth
Health is defined as the state of being physically and mentally fit. It is said that health is wealth.  Health is our best wealth. If a man is healthy he can work hard and can achieve success in his life. He can earn a lot of wealth. A healthy man is always cheerful. He possesses strength mind. He has self-confidence. He doesn't lose heart easily. He can face dangers and difficulties boldly. If a man is healthy, he can enjoy his wealth. He finds happiness in his life. A healthy man is a happy man.
If a man is unhealthy, he cannot be happy in his life. He cannot work hard. He cannot accomplish anything in life. He always thinks of his ill-health. He cannot enjoy his wealth. He has no courage. He becomes timid person. He feels always upset with small difficulties. And also feels sad and miserable.
If a man wants to be happy in life, he most improves his health. Many things are necessary to preserve health. The first necessary thing is cleanliness. We should put on clean clothes. We should keep our surroundings clean. Our houses should be sanitary and well-ventilated.
The second necessary thing is good food. We should eat nourishing food. If our foot is poor, we cannot maintain good health. We should take plenty of milk, meat, fish, egg, fruits, etc. Our food should be pure and fresh. If we drink impure water, we become a prey to diseases.
The development of the country depends on the health of its people. If people are healthy, they can work hard and develop their country. The people of our country can't give much important to good health. This is due to their ignorance and poverty. The majority of our people are illiterate. They are unknown about the rules of health. As they are poor, they cannot eat good food also which leads to different health problems. Children should be taught the importance of the health. Health education should form part of school education,. If children learn the values of the health then they will try to maintain good health all trough life. Hence, it becomes the wealth of the people.

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