Monday, September 14, 2015


What is Health? …
According to WHO "Health is state of being physically and mentally fit, merely the absence of diseases." Health is the most valuable property of human beings. Human health is important for the fitness of the person. If the health condition of a person isn't good then the person can't be healthy. The person having good health can contribute for the development of a nation.
Health is the most valuable properties of human beings. So, it is said that "Health is Wealth" there is say that if wealth lost nothing is lost, if education is lost everything is lost as like if health is lost  everything is lost. Human power is very important source for the construction and development of the country. But for it, good health condition of the people of the country is important.
If a person healthy, then he/she can do any kind of job. If someone has to go abroad for the study or job then, at that time the medical checkup is necessary. If any kind of defect is seen in his/her health then they are not allowed to go abroad. This prove that health is most important things in everyone life. The healthy, person can get education and he can earn money and live happy life. It is said that" A sound mind lives in a sound body". It is only in a healthy mind resides without proper health and hygiene there cannot be a proper frame of mind.
Without proper health the person cannot do any kind of job. If a person always becomes sick, he/she don't do any kind of job. Then at that time he/she is burden for the family. For keeping our health good we must have a proper nutrition food, do regular exercise etc. Similarly, hospital and health posts should be established in every corner of the country.
Health is the most valuable wealth of the people. Healthy person can earn money for his whole life. But if someone is rich but his health condition is not good, then he/she can be healthy. So, everyone must try to maintain good health.   

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