Monday, September 14, 2015

The Nation of Beauty: Nepal TRILOK CHILDREN'S ACADEMY

The Nation of Beauty
The world is really very vast. In this world there are different countries. Among them my country Nepal is also one. Our country is developing day by day. Nepal lies in the temperate region of the world where sun's rays are moderate. Our country is small land locked country lying in the lap of Himalayas. Our country is divided into three geographical regions. (i.e. Himalayan, Hilly, and Terai) and the area of Nepal is 1,47,181
The  Himalayan region comprises the highest are of Nepal above an altitude of 3,300m from the sea level Mt. Everest, the highest peck lies in this region. The surface is very steep, rock and infertile. This region occupies 16 districts like Humla, Dolpa, Rasuwa, Solukhumbu and covers about 15% of total area of the country. Here the climate is very cold.
The hilly region is widest band running east-west between the Himalayan in the northern and the Terai region in the south. Its altitude ranges from 600 to 3300m from the sea levels. Here, the hill slopes, river basins, wide valleys around and is very gentle. Rivers and streams are very much and soil erosion is common here. The hilly region consists about 68% of total area of the country and altogether 39 districts.
The terai region comprises three narrower bands- the terai, the Chure range and it is completely a plain along the border with India. The west has more extreme temperature condition and lower amount of rain due to its greater distance from the sea. This region occupies 20 districts which amount about 17% of the total territory of the country. Facilities of transportation and communication are highly extended in terai region, as the land topography is leveled and comfortable.
In the past, for the first time in the world 1787 US constitution enshrined secularism. In Nepal religious tolerance was somewhat maintained even before. Nepal has given birth to many people with outstanding talent and genius. All the temples, stupas, forts, monasteries are greatest treasure of Nepal. Prithivi Narayan Shah united this nation. He told that Nepal is yam, which is between two large stones are India and China. Our country Nepal is divided into 4 main caste and 32 sub-castes. Our country is famous for the art of sculpture from ancient time. We use to make small and big status from clay, stone, metal and wood. From malla period our arts and crafts development was being. Nepalese art is renowned for its simplicity, originality and specialty. Nepali architects depict the characters and events of scriptures, Purans etc. There are types of art of painting and they are
a.      Book painting
b.      Scroll painting
c.       Wall painting
Similarly our lifestyle is influenced by our social aspirations which also determine the norms and values. Directly and indirectly religions save our rites and rituals, feats and festivals, off springs and worship. Different castes celebrate different religions such as, Hindus celebrate Dashain, Tihar, Holi, etc. and other castes also have their own festivals. There is arranged of different jatras in the valley as well as outside the valley. Each festival has their own customs and has their own importance. Social aspirations are also expressed in such customs and traditions. Our custom and traditions have some scientific implication but over the turns of times superstition and evilness got some spaces, which need to discard.
The economy of a country will be strong if it has more export and import. Our country Nepal has more than 6000 rivers and lakes but now also all most all people are thirsty. So, government must give topmost priority to all these sources and manpower of the country. There should be situation that any manpower wouldn't go to abroad for their job than only our country will catch the way of development. In order to develop our country others countries like India, china and America are supporting us in different sectors. Our country is small but rich in natural resources and peace. All people of our country things each other as a member of their own family. They are living together by sharing the moment of sorrow and happiness with each other. Our country full of natural diversity and has its own natural beauties. There are 14 zones, 75 districts and five development region. Our national language is Nepali. But there are many castes and have their own languages also.
Although we have lots of problems we are developing our nation in the way of developing. In order to solve problems other countries are also helping us.
Our religious tolerance is there and unity. Although, we have diversity in religious, culture, caste, but there is unity in us. In order to develop skilled manpower we should work hard. For the development of different sector of the country there should be skilled manpower. I will try and I'm trying to develop me country.

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