Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cl-8 English for Practice

Compulsory English
Class: 8                                                            Full Marks: 75
Time: 2:15 hrs.                                                Pass Marks: 30
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.

Attempt all questions.

1. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options.[5]
a.   Rama, who is ................ best player is your class. (a/an/the/nothing)
b.   Please, keep ................ walking until you see a roundabout. (off/on/for/with)
c.   The school was closed ................ strike.
      (because of/in spite of/because/although)
d.   Last Friday we enjoyed in the school library ................
e.   Close the door, ................?
      (shan't we/shall we/will you/won't you)
2. Change the following sentences as indicated in bracket.[13=3]
a.   One should keep their promises. (Into passive)
b.   Surya asked me, 'Will you visit Damak?" (Into reported speech)
c.   The old man lived next door. The man died yesterday.
      (Into one sentences joining with relative clause)
3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. [12=2]
[won't see, see, is, are]
a. They ................ me tomorrow.
b. All that glitters ................ not gold.

4. Read the following text and do the activities that follow. [10]
A memorable journey from Terai to the Hill
I had heard that Ghale Gaun was a really beautiful place for homestay. I was keen to go there. My luck favoured me. My parents made a plan to take me the place for five days during my vacation. As I was born in Birgunj, I had never seen the hilly region before. My first visit to Ghale Gaun made a lasting impression on me. I reached there passing many hills through green countryside. The beautiful scenery on the way appealed to me. It still flashes in my memory.
After sending a night at a hotel in Besishahar, early next morning we started our journey on foot. I felt it difficult to walk the hills. My father immediately realized it. We broke our journey in Baglung Pani. He told us to have a rest at Chautara. He took out a bottle of cold drink from his bag. We drank it.
“Are you enjoying the scenery?” My mother asked me.
“Isn’t it an exciting experience to see such a picturesque village?” My father pointed to the village with clustered houses. I looked at the village. I couldn’t help saying, “Yes”. That picturesque scenery thrilled me. I forgot all the tiredness that I had felt before.
A. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. [0.54=2]
a. The narrator came to Ghale Gaun from Terai.
b. The narrator was fascinated by the scene around.
c. It was very difficult to walk on foot for them.
d. There are not attached houses in Ghale Gaun.
B. Find the words that are closest to the following. [0.54=2]
a. live on          b. village          c. throb            d. fatigue
C. Answer the following questions.                   [1.54=6]
a. Where was the narrator come from?
b. How did they reach to the Ghale Gaun?
c. Why did they feel difficult to walk?
d. Did the narrator enjoy the trip? Why? Why not?

5. Read the following and do the activities that follow. [10]
Sunday, 14 June, 1942
On Friday, June 12th I woke up at six o’clock and no wonder, it was my birthday. But of course I was not allowed to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity until a quarter to seven. Then I could bear it no longer and went to the dining room, where I receive d a warm welcome from Moortje (the cat).
Soon after seven I went to mummy and daddy and then to the sitting room to undo my presents. The first to greet me was you, possibly the nicest of all. Then on the table there were a bunch of roses, a plant and some peonies and more arrived during the day.
I got masses of things from mummy and daddy, and was thoroughly spoiled by various friends. Among other things I was given camera obscura, a party game, lots of sweets, chocolates, a puzzle, a brooch, Tales and legends of the Netherlands by Joseph Cohen, Daisy’s Mountain Holiday (a terrific book) and some money. Now I can buy the myths of Greece and Rome-grand.
Then Lies called for me and we went to school. During recess I treated everyone to sweet biscuits, and then we had to go back to our lessons.
Now I must stop bye bye we’re going to be great pals!
A. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the text above.                                                       [0.54=2]
a. The writer got up at ………….
b. To welcome her first was ………….
c. She got …………. from mummy and daddy.
d. Lies …………. her for school.
B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statement. [0.54=2]
a. The writer got up as soon as she woke up.
b. There were so many flowers on the table for her.
c. She got so many books as her birthday gift.
d. She didn’t give any treat to her friends.

C. Answer the following questions.                   [1.54=6]
a. When was this diary written?
b. Why was the writer so excited?
c. Who greeted her first of all?
d. What did she do at school?
6. Read the given passage and do the activities that follow. [10]
A motorist saw two men walking along a lonely country road. They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once informed the police. The morning, the police had broadcasted a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of two thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail-bags containing a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither of them could speak English. The men tried hard resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at police all the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed on their bags. The police opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion-sellers and their bags were full of onions. Apologizing for their mistake, the police set the men free immediately.
A. Answer these questions.                                             [14=4]
a.   Why did a motorist inform the police about the two men?
b.   What was the message broadcast on the radio?
c.   What did the two men do when they arrived at the police station?
d.   What did the police realize when they opened the bags?
B. Match the words in Column 'A' with their meaning in Column 'B'.                                                                    [16=6]
Column A                              Column B
a. resist                        i.    send programmes on TV or radio
b. arrest (n)                  ii.   saying sorry to somebody
c. mail-bags                 iii. a person driving a car
d. broadcast                iv. large bags used for carrying letters and package
e. apologizing              v.   the act of arresting somebody
f. motorist                   vi. refuse to accept something and try to stop it from happening
7. Read the letter below and do the activities that follow. [10]
Nepal Medical Council (NMC) would like to inform all of its valued members, general medical practitioners and teachers and students of medical science that the council has recently passed a very important bill about the license, which will be required for all kinds of medical practitioners afterwards, all the concerned doctors, nurses, pharmacists or whoever else working as a medical practitioners are requested to contact the head office of NMC and register their names along with applications for the license required for them. An examination to provide the license will be administered by NMC after further notice. The application forms and detailed information are made available from the reception of the head office of NMC.
A. Find the words from the notice as indicated in the brackets.
a. particular (antonym)                        b. proposal (synonym)
c. scarce (antonym)                            d. related (synonym)
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the above letter.
a. NMC has passed ...................
b. Medical practitioners are requested to ...................
c. The notice is for ...................
d. License will be provided by ...................
C. Answer the following questions.                   [1.54=6]
a. What does NMC stand for?
b. What is the main purpose of the notice?
c. Who are required to get the license?
d. How is the license provided to a medical practitioners?
8.   Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate sentences in the box given below.                           [5]
Ritu:          Hello, Is It 9845027023
Ribaz:        Yes. Who are you speaking, please?
Ritu:          ................................................................
Ribaz:        Hi, Ritu. What's the matter? How did you take a trouble to phone me?
Ritu:          ................................... Nowadays, I'm a bit busy in preparing the exam.
Ribaz:        Good to hear that. But ............................................
Ritu:          What! I'm sorry, disturbing you. Indeed, I need your essay book for a week ...............................................
Ribaz:        Sure.
Ritu:          ..................................................................
Ribaz:        You're most welcome.
a. Could you help me?
b. Don't say so, Ribaz.
c. It's me, Ritu, your school friend.
d. I'm little sock with fever these days.
e. Thanks for your help.


9. Prepare a leaflet of your school in about 120 words. [5]
Introduction- Location-Facilities-Extra Activities
10. Write an essay on ‘Educational Value of Travelling’. [15]
Write a letter to your father who lives in a village asking money for educational tour.

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