Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cl-8 Moral Education

Moral Education
Class: 8                                                            Full Marks: 25
Time: 45 minutes                                             Pass Marks: 12
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.
Attempt all questions.

1. Give very short answers to the following questions: 5´2=10
   tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] clt 5f]6f] pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
a)   What was the fault of Aitaman’s brother?
    cfOtdfgsf efOn] s] ulNt u/] <
b)   Mark out any two of your weaknesses and write the ways to improve each weakness.
    cfˆgf s'g} b'O{ sdhf]/Lx¿ n]lv ltgnfO{ ;'wfg{] tl/sf klg n]Vg'xf];\ .
c)   Write down any two civic behaviours.
    gful/sn] kfngf ug'{kg{] s'g} b'O{ cfr/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
d)   Write any two methods to be healthy.
    :jf:Yo /xg] s'g} b'O{ tl/sf n]Vg'xf];\ .
e)   Where is Lumbini located?
    n'lDagL sxfF k5{ <

2. Give short answers to any TWO of the following questions:
    tnsf s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] ;+lIfKt pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
a)   How do citizens help to increase national glory?
    gful/sn] /fi6«sf] dfg tyf k|lti7f s;/L a9fpg ;S5 <
b)   What did Buddha want Ananda to learn?
    cfgGbn] s:tf] kf7 l;sf];\ eg]/ a'4n] rfx]sf lyP <
c)   What type of citizen would you like to be called as? Write a paragraph.
tkfO{ cfk"mnfO{ ;dfhdf s:tf] gful/ssf] ¿kdf lrgfpg rfxg'x'G5 < cfˆgf] ts{ Ps cg'R5]bdf JoSt ug'{xf];\ .

3. Give long answer to any ONE of the following questions:
tnsf s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] nfdf] pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
a)   What incident inspired Aitaman to be a good person?
    cfOtdfgnfO{ Pp6f c;n JolSt aGg s'g 36gfn] k|]/0ff lbof] <
b)   How can you turn a bad friend into a good one? Write four ways.
v/fa ;fyLnfO{ c;n ;fyL s;/L agfpg ;lsG5 < s'g} rf/ pkfo n]Vg'xf];\ .

4.   Write down any ONE comprehensive answer from the following questions:                                                     1´5=5
tnsf s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] laZn]if0ffTds pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
a)   Extend the following sentences into two sensible paragraphs:
tnsf jfSonfO{ b'Oj6f cy{ k"0f{ cg'R5]bdf n]Vg'xf];\ M
            If common birds and insects like duck, swan, bees or butterflies can take the right thing and discard the wrong ones, we can easily identify between the right from the wrong because we are intelligent beings. ‘Everything that glitters is not gold’ is an English proverb that makes similar sense.
        olb xfF;, df}/L tyf k'tnL h:tf ;fdfGo hLjx¿n] t ;lx s'/L lnO{ unt / g/fd|f s'/fnfO{ TofUg ;S5 eg], xfdL h:tf a'l4dfg hfltn] t ;lx / unt ;xh} 5'6\ofpg ;S5f}F . ;a} rlDsg] wft' ;'g x'Fb}g eGg] pvfgn] olx ;Gb]z lbG5 .
b)   The world is a common house for all. Justify this statement with example.
    ;f/f ;+;f/ Pp6f ;femf 3/ xf] . pbfx/0f ;lxt k|i6 kfg'{xf];\ .


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UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet