Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cl-8 Moral Education for First term Practice

Moral Education
Class: 8                                                            Full Marks: 25
Time: 45 minutes                                             Pass Marks: 12
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.
Attempt all questions.

1. Give very short answers to the following questions: 5´2=10
    tnsf k|Zgx¿sf] clt 5f]6f] pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
a)   What type of persons are called the persons of the highest grade?
    s:tf dflg; pTtd >]0fLdf x'G5g\ <
b)   What is the positive aspect of the fruit seller?
      kmnk"mn Jofkf/Lsf] /fd|f] kIf s] lyof] <
c)   If you see someone throwing waste in public place, what will you do?
      s;}n] ;fj{hlgs :yfgdf kmf]xf]/ kmn]sf] b]Vg'eof] eg] s] ug'{x'G5 <
d)   How does meditation help us?
      Wofgn] xfdLnfO{ s] kmfObf x'G5 <
e)   What is our common duty?
      xfd|f] ;femf st{Jo s] xf] <

2. Give short answers to any TWO of the following questions:
   tnsf s'g} b'O{ k|Zgsf] ;+lIfKt pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ .
a) How can we become role models?
      cg's/0fLo JolSt aGg s] ug'{k5{ <
b) Write down any three civic behaviours.
      gful/sn] kfngf ug'{kg{] s'g} tLg cfr/0f n]Vg'xf];\ .
c) Why a good friend is essential for our soul?
      lsg xfd|f] dgnfO{ c;n ;fyL rflxG5 <

3. Give long answer to any ONE of the following questions:
   tnsf s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] nfdf] pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
a)   Describe the character of the great saint. How was he impressed by the fruit seller?
dxfTdfsf] rl/q j0f{g ug'{xf];\ . s;/L kmnk"mn Jofkf/Ln] dxfTdfsf] dg lhTof] <
b)   Mention any four ways to make people clever and intelligent.
dflg;nfO{ rnfv / a'l4dfg agfpg] s'g} rf/ tl/sf n]Vg'xf];\ .

4.   Write down any ONE comprehensive answer from the following questions:                                                     1´5=5
   tnsf s'g} Ps k|Zgsf] laZn]if0ffTds pTt/ n]Vg'xf];\ M
a)   What kind of virtue is patience? Write down its importance in one paragraph.
      ;+od s:tf] k|sf/sf] u'0f xf] < o;sf] dxTj Ps cg'R5]bdf pNn]v ug'{xf];\ .
b)   Analyze the thoughts of Mr. Jyotiraj. Explain what did he expect the students to be in future.
      Hof]lt/fhsf] ljrf/nfO{ ljZn]if0f ug'{xf];\ . eljiodf pgn] ljb\ofyL{x¿af6 s] ck]Iff /fv]sf 5g\ <


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