Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cl-8 English for Practice

Compulsory English
Class: 8                                                            Full Marks: 75
Time: 2:15 hrs.                                                Pass Marks: 30
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.

Attempt all questions.

1. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct options.[5]
a.   Serena is from .................. USA (a/an/the/nothing)
b.   Chetan lives in Pokhara .................. his family. (with/by/since/about)
c.   She went to school .................. her illness.
      (because of/in spite of/although/ so that)
d.   Shambhu and Shanti enjoyed the program ..................  
e.   Never laugh at the poor, ..................?
      (shall we/won't you/will you/shan't we)         
2. Change the following sentences as indicated in bracket.[1 3=3]
a.   I was hit by a store. (Into active)
b.   Rishav inquired if my name wasn't Surya. (Into direct speech)
c.   The pencil is lying on the table. The pencil is mine. (Into one sentence joining with which/that)
3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. [1 2=2]
[ Lives, live, crossed, had crossed]
a. Many a man .................. in the slums.
b. The bridge fell down after the truck……….
4. Read the following text and do the activities that follow. [10]
Holi is the festival of colour. It is one of the most beautiful festivals in Hindu culture. It is a joyful festival celebrating as the victory of good over evil. This festival is generally celebrated in the month of February or early March. People from Terai celebrate it a day later with joy and ceremony.
Fagu is another name for Holi. Fagu means the sacred red powder. It is mostly celebrated on the full moon called Fagu Purnima. People play with different colours on this day. It is usually celebrated for a week in the Terai. However, it is only the last day that all people celebrate with colours. People can be seen going round streets either on foot or on some vehicles, with a variety of colours smeared over their face and body.
During this festival, family members and friends get together and celebrate the occasion with a lot of merry making. It is also an outburst of youthful excitement throwing colours and water balloons (lolas) at each other.
There is a traditional belief behind the celebration of Holi. The festival, ‘Holi’ comes from the name of a mythical demon, Holika. The myth about Holi reveals that Holika and Hiranyakasyapu were sister and brother. Hiranyakasyapu had a son called Pralhad. He was a strong devotee of Lord Vishnu. However, Hiranyakasyapu was an atheist king and planned to kill his son, Pralhad. He asked for the help of his sister, Holika. But their attempts always failed since Lord Vishnu protected Pralhad.
A. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order based on the text.                                                             [0.5 4=2]
a. Pralhad was strong devotee of Lord Vishnu.
b. Vishnu protected Pralhad everytime.
c. People from Terai celebrate Holi the later day.
d. Last day of Holi people play with colour.
B. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements. [0.5 4=2]
a. Holi is celebrated in Terai region of Nepal.
b. People enjoyed this festival with a lot of merry making.
c. There is no family relationship between Pralhad and Holika.
d. Hiranyakasyapu was strong devotee of Lord Vishnu.
C. Answer the following questions.                   [1.5 4=6]
a. What do you mean by Holi?
b. When do the people from Hilly region celebrate Holi?
c. Why does Hiranyakasyapu want to kill his son?
d. Who is Holika?

5. Read the text below and do the activities that follow. [10]
Ganeshman Singh is publicly acclaimed as all acceptable leader of democracy. It is a sign of respect that all the Nepalese show towards him that they call him supreme leader.
He was born to a well-to-do family on November 09, 1915 in Itumbahal, Kathmandu as the son of Gyan Man Singh and Sanunani Shrestha Singh. His father died when he was six. So, his grandfather Ratna Man Singh brought him up.
He studied in Durbar High School till grade six. He was expelled from the school for not respecting his fellow Rana students. He went to India to continue his studies. After completing his I.Sc. from Vidyasagar College, he returned to Nepal.
As soon as he returned to Nepal, he planned to protest against the autocratic rulers of Nepal. In 1940, he joined Praja Parishad, the first political party in Nepal. Unfortunately, he was arrested on October 18, 1940. Though he was sentenced to life in prison for anti-Rana activities, he ultimately escaped from Bhadragol jail in 1944. After that, he fled to India.
A. From the text above, find the words that are similar in meaning.                                                            [0.5 4=2]
      a. esteem                     b. plotted         c. gaol              d. at last
B. Complete these sentences with appropriate words from the text.                                                                        [0.5 4=2]
a. Everyone shows _____ towards Ganeshman Singh.
b. He was born in _____ family in Kathmandu.
c. He studied in _____ school until class 6.
d. He _____ from jail in 1944
C. Answer the following questions.                   [1.5 4=6]
a. Who is Ganeshman Singh?
b. Why was he arrested?
c. When did he join Praja Parishad?
d. What was the academic qualification of Ganeshman Singh?
6. Read the given passage and do the activities that follow. [10]
For the events of last weekend were reflections of some of the problems of society today. One Saturday afternoon I attempted to stop a robbery at one of my local shops. No one came to my aid during my endeavors, now I have a black eye and broken ribs.
The apathy and disinterest of bystanders shocked me. The four youths responsible for the robbery made their escape in a Volvo, which suggests that it is easier to make a dishonest living rather that an honest one. The shop-owner has shown no interest in my well-being and no gratitude for my attempt to protect his property.
I suppose I am fortunate that my injuries are not so serious, but I have found the experience saddening. When will be the public stop turning a blind eye to such event, actively help to prevent them; and responsibility for factors such as high unemployment which lead to this sort of crime?
A. Find the words from the above passage that are similar in meaning to the following words.                           [1 3=3]
      a. gratefulness             b. attempts                  c. wounds
B. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements:        [1 4=4]
a.   The passage tells about the bank robbery.
b.   The youths were successful in their attempt.
c.   The writer believes that it is better to rob people than to do an honest job.
d.   The writer was sad because he was hurt.
C. Answer the following questions.                               [1 3=3]
a. Where did the robbery take place?
b. How did the writer get hurt?
c. How does the writer regard the shop-owner?
7. Read the letter below and do the activities that follow. [10]
Sabji Bazaar
Dharan, Nepal
Baishakh 20th, 2074
Subject: Application for the post of an Assistant Accountant
Dear Sir,
In response to your advertisement published in The Kathmandu Post on Baishakh 15th, 2074 for the post of an Assistant Accountant, I have submitted my application as a qualified candidate for the same.
I'm 19 years old Nepali citizen. With regard to my qualifications, I passed the S.L.C. exam in 2065 B.S. in the first division and then Plus Two in Commerce in second division from Sukuna Multiple Campus, Indrapur, Morang. I have also taken a course of type-writing and book-keeping. I have enclosed my testimonials and would refer you to the Principal of Patan Multiple Campus for my characters and references concerned.
If I am given an opportunity to work in your bank, I assure you that I will do my best to satisfy you and your bank as well.
I am looking forward to getting your positive response.
Yours faithfully,
Kritana Sharma
A. Write the words from the above letter that is similar in meaning to the followings.                               [0.5 4=2]
      a. deputy         b. applicant      c. chance         d. promise
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the above letter.
                                                                              [0.5 4=2]
a.   .......... are given by the former employer about somebody's abilities or qualifications.
b.   A public notice offering or asking for goods and service is an ..........
c.   A .......... provides financial services.
d.   In a .......... campus, one can study varieties of streams.
C. Answer the following questions.                   [1.5 4=6]
a. Where is the applicant from?
b. When was the advertisement published?
c. Who is the application addressed to?
d. What is the applicant's assurance?
8.   Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate sentences in the box given below.               [5]
Deepak:     What's your hobby, Naresh?
Naresh:      My hobby ....................................
Deepak:     How were ....................................?
Naresh:      Actually, my brother .................................... I used to look when I was a child.
Deepak:     How many ....................................?
Naresh:      Around 5 thousand. What's your hobby?
Deepak:     My hobby is to read ..................My mother is poetess.
Naresh:      That's great.


a) you impressed with this hobby?
b) is to take photographs of people and places.
c) had collected many different kinds of pictures.
d) pictures have you taken or collected so far
e) literacy articles


9.   Construct a readable story with the help of outlines given below.                                                                       [5]
Merchant riding home from a fair........ a large sum of money with him ........ sudden heavy rainfall ........ merchant gets wet ........ his grumbling ........ shortly after attacked by robber ........ robber's attempt to shoot ........ powder damp ........ the merchant escapes. Moral ........
10. Write an essay on ‘Internet Influence on Kids'.           [15]
      [Introduction-utility-negative impact-conclusion]
Write a letter to your friend who lives in UK describing cultural diversity in your country.


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UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet