Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cl-8 Health & Physical Education for Practice

Health & Physical Education
Class: 8                                                            Full Marks: 30
Time: 45 minutes                                             Pass Marks: 16
Candidates are required to write their answers according to the instructions given.
Attempt all questions.

Group 'A' (Health Education)
A. Answer all the questions:                                     10 x 2 = 20
1)   What is pulmonary circulation?
2)   What is blood donation? Explain.
3)   Name any two hormones secreted by thyroid gland.
4)   Write down any two functions of spinal cord.
5)   Define malnutrition. Write any two examples.
6)   Which nutrient deficiency causes the following diseases?
      a) Anaemia                        b) Goiter
7)   Write down any two methods of preservation of nutrients.
8)   How do you define disease? Name any one disease against which DPT vaccine is given.
9)   Name the virus that causes AIDS. When was AIDS detected for the first time in the world?
10) How can we prevent Hepatitis B? Mention any two points.

Group 'B' (Physical Education)
B. Answer these questions:
11) What is physical exercise?                                                1
12) Why should we do warm up exercises before we start any physical exercise or game?                                      1
13) Write down an exercise of chest.                                     1
14) Write down an exercise of knees.                                     1
15) How is overhead service done in volleyball?                   2
16) Write down any four rules of kabaddi.                            2
17) If you are a goalkeeper in football, how do you keep away the ball from being scored by the opponent?                           2

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