Sunday, March 7, 2021

Health, Population and Environment - Grade : 10 - Mid Terminal examination 2077 BS

 Health, Population and Environment
Grade : 10
Mid Term Exam 2077 BS

Mid Terminal Examination-2077

Subject: EPH                                                                                                                   Full Mark:  75

Class: X                      Time: 2:15hrs.Pass Mark: 30


Attempt all the questions


Students are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.

Group-A [Very Short Questions (11×1=11)]

1.   Under which aspect of environment does worshipping of ‘Peepal Tree’ fall on?

2.   Write the formula of Total Fertility Rate.

3.   Give any two examples of social security.

4.   Clarify the meaning of population management.

5.   Who and when introduced sustainable development?

6.   Write the name of any two festivals of Terai region.,

7.   Which country has the highest HDI among SAARC countries?

8.   Write any two importance of biodiversity.

9.   What is in-situ conservation?

10.       What is the causative agent of cholera disease?

11.       What is meant by abortion?


Group – B [Short Questions (9×4=36)]

12.       Describe any two aspects under environment, population and health.

13.       If the Crude Birth Rate of a town was 33.1, the Crude Death Rate was 9.6 and Net Migration Rate was 6 in 2015. Calculate PGR and PDT of the town for the year 2015.


      State the relation among demographic components, processes and measures

14.       What is sustainable development? Explain any three importance of sustainable development.

15.       Describe the ecosystem of Hilly region in short.

16.       State any four importance of quality of life.

17.       Write short notes on:

      a. Bengal Tiger                   b. Himalayan Yew

18.       Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases.

19.       State any four causes and four preventive measures of cancer.

20.       “It is better to bear child between 20-30 years of age”. Justify it.

Group – C [Long Questions (4×7=28)]

21.       Mention the consequences of rapid population growth.

22.       “The development work and modernization have created adverse effect on the ecosystem of Terai Region”. Clarify the statement.

23.       Write the adverse effects on biodiversity. Also mention its mitigating measures.

24.       Your friend takes cigarette in a hidden way, in such condition what solution you apply to prevent yourself as well as your friend from such a bad habit.





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