Sunday, March 7, 2021

Social Studies - Grade:10 - Mid Terminal Examination-2077 BS

 Social Studies      - Grade:10   - Mid Terminal Examination-2077 BS

Mid Terminal Examination-2077

Subject: Social Studies                    Full Mark:  75

Class: X                      Time: 2:15hrs.Pass Mark: 30


Attempt all the questions


Group ‘A’

Very short answer questions.                                                 [7×1=7]

1.      Give any two reasons for dividing Nepal into seven provinces.

2.      Name any two project of National pride.

3.      Why Dr.Martin Luther King is called international personality?

4.      What role would you play to solve girls trafficking if it were known to you it is prevailed in your community? Write in a sentence.

5.      Write any two provisions of Delhi Agreement.

6.      Which is the first co-operative of Nepal?

7.      Mention one disadvantage of globalization.


Group ‘B’

 Short answer questions                                                         [10×4=40]

8.      Clarify the interrelationship between federalism and development in four points.

9.      Which is the most important Sustainable Development Goal in the context of Nepal? Why?

10.  Draw a picture of a folk musical instrument which you like must and give short introduction of it.

11.  Identify the given personality in the picture. Discuss about his contribution.

12.  How does the Auditor General support to promote good governance in the country? Clarify in a dialogue held between two friends.

13.  Write briefly about the social life style of people of North America.

14.  Show the difference between summer and winter monsoon.

15.  Prepare a pie-chart on the basis of the following results of referendum 2037 B.S.

Reformed Panchayat System - 24,33,452

Multi-Party System            -20,07,964

Invalid vote - 3,72,069

16.  Prepare an editorial on the topic “Development of Nepal is possible from the development of  hydro electricity.”

17.  Write the full form of the following UN specialized agencies and mention one function of each of them.

UNHCR                 UNESCO         UNDP              ILO


Group ‘C’

Long answer questions.                                                          [4 x 7=28]

18.  What is meant by political party? What conditions have to be fulfilled to establish a political party in Nepal? Write down the role of political parties to institutionalize democracy in four points.

19.  Draw a full page outline map of Nepal and locate the following facts using appropriate signs and symbols:             

Jiri Airport                         Tamakoshi river                      

Siddhartha Highway          Tikapur           


Draw an outline map of North America by using freehand method and insert the following items:                     

Colorado Plateau               Mt. Logan                   

River Ohio                         British Coloumbia       

20.  Explain four causes and three consequences of the First World War in brief.

21.  “Although foreign employment is the solution to the problem for the time being, it is a foundation of pile of problems in long term.” Justify this statement in a paragraph. Mention any five challenges that are faced by Nepalese in foreign countries.




–Good luck–

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