Sunday, March 7, 2021

Social Studies - Grade:9 - Mid Terminal Examination-2077

 Social Studies  - Grade:9   -   Mid Terminal Examination-2077 BS

Mid Terminal Examination-2077

Subject: Social Studies                Full Mark:  75

Class: IX                      Time: 2:15hrs.Pass Mark: 30


Attempt all the questions


Group ‘A’

Very short answer questions.                                                 [7×1=7]

1.      Mention the types of society on the basis of economy.

2.      Define “Development” according to the UN charter.

3.      Give two examples of Pagoda style of architecture.

4.      What do you mean by social problem?

5.      How was Kapilvastu named?

6.      How do you define industry?

7.      Why is international relation necessary in the context of Nepal? Write in a sentence.


Group ‘B’

 Short answer questions                                                         [7×6=42]

8.      Is your society good? Give four reasons.

9.      Write four causes of not having development of transportation in Nepal.

10.  Differentiate between Book painting and Scroll painting.

11.  Write a letter to the mayor of municipality requesting him/her to launch development activities in your community.

12.  “Civil society is considered as the pathfinder of the transformation of the society.” Give reasons.

13.  When there is 3PM in Kathmandu at 850 east what will be the time in New York at 750 west?

14.  Why is the animal rearing profession developed in Australia? Give geographical reasons.

15.  Show the following dates and events in the time line.                   

1800 B.S    -           First attack on Nuwakot

1814 B.S    -           First attack on Kiritipur

1823 B.S    -          Victory over Kiritipur

1825 B.S    -          Victory over Kantipur

16.  Prepare a dialogue between two friends about the role of industry in Nepalese economy.

17.  What do you mean by peace keeping force? Mention any three functions of it.


Group ‘C’

Long answer questions.                                  [3×8=24]

18.  Why is fundamental right important? Enlist any ten fundamental rights and discuss any four of them.

19.  Draw an outline map of Nepal and locate the following facts using appropriate signs and symbols:

Prithvi Highway                 Sunkoshi River                       

Jute growing area               Khaptad National Park            


Draw an outline map of Australia and insert the following items:

Tasmania               Lake Eyre                               

Perth                      Tropic of Capricorn    

20.  What was the main cause of industrial revolution? What were the inventions made during the time of this revolution? How does this revolution affect human life? Describe.

21.  Being an agricultural country Nepal imports agricultural products. In your view, why does this happen? Write solution too.


–Good luck–

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