Sunday, March 7, 2021

Mid Terminal Examination-2077 - Subject: English - Grade: 7

 Mid Terminal Examination-2077  - Subject: English   - Grade: 7

Mid Terminal Examination-2077

Subject: English                                                                                           Full Mark:100

Class: VII                                    Time: 3 Hrs.                                          Pass Mark:  40

1.      Read the text and do the activities that follow.

My class is going to the movies on a field trip next week. We have to get permission slips signed before we go. We also need to ask our parents if they will drive to the movie theater. We are going to see a movie that tells the story from a book we read. We love it when movies are made from books. It is fun to compare the movie to the book. I usually like the book better.

            We get to the movie early so we can buy popcorn. Some of us buy candy and slushes too. We all enjoy watching the movie. When we return to school, we talk about things that were in the movie and the book. The movie and book are similar. We all agree that we like the book better though. Books let you picture the characters anyway you want to picture them.

A.    Answer the following questions:                                            [8]

a.    What do the students need to do before going to the movie?

b.   What is fun to compare?

c.    What do the students like better, the movie or book?

d.   What do books let you?

B.    From the passage, write the synonym of the following:        [7]

a.    journey              b. authorization                        c. adore                        d. fond of       

e.     differentiate                 f. alike             g. film

2.   Answer the following questions based on the textbook:                        [20]

a.    What was Bibha's problem?

b.   Who brought chocolates for everyone in the class last week? How did the students know each other's birthday?

c.    How are Kumang and Manahang trying to keep warm?

d.   Why should we not catch red pandas according to Kumang?

e.    Name four animals that are in the endangered list.

f.    Which places in Pokhara did the students plan to visit?

g.    Where did the class seven students usually go for their educational visit?

h.   Why is a city life not as healthy as village life?

i.     Why is a city better for health services?

j.     Why do the students want to play Deusi this year?

3.   Fill in the blanksbased on the text.                                               [5]

a.    The ____________ is rolling through the branches.

b.   There are many animals that are ________ as endangered animals.

c.    The headteacher said that the Pokhara is going to be _________.

d.   The students had huge ______ on their faces as they came out of the headteacher's room.

e.    _________ is always interested to have fun.

4.   State true or false.                                                                        [2.5]

a.    City life and village life are not very different. It's a matter of taste.

b.   People in villages are more friendly.

c.    We should hunt or catch the animal on the endangered list.

d.   Dharahara is the popular name of BhimsenStambha.

e.    BP Koirala was not the first elected prime minister of Nepal.

5.   Match the following.                                                                     [2.5]

      Briskly                               showing kindness

      Restrained                          most courageous

      Boldest                              provisions

      Arrangements                    quickly

      Sympathy                                      cool and unemotional

6.   Supply the correct forms of verbs given in the brackets.            [5]

a.    What are you ……. now? (do)

b.   John ….. that sweater himself. (knit)

c.    You have …… my red colour. (choose)

d.   They didn't …….. anything yesterday. (bye)

e.    The building was ….. in 2004. (build)


7.   Complete the sentences with the appropriate expressions.                     [2.5]

a.    We ________ follow the rules in school. (must/must not)

b.   Students ________ ask questions if they do not understand the lesson. (can/cannot)

c.    They ________eat all the food if they are not hungry. (have to/don't have to)

d.   We ______ keep the environment clean. (should/ should not)

e.    The doctor said that I _________  have cold drinks because I have running nose. (should / should not)

8.     Answer these questions with "yes" using the past tense of the verb. [2.5]

a.    Did you make that table?

b.   Did Ravi write his father a letter?

c.    Did she find her hat?

d.   Did you catch a cold?

e.    Did you fly to Pokhara?

9.   Underline the auxiliary verbs and main verbs and write its types.[5]

          a. She has cleaned the floor.

         b. The dog was barking at us.

          c. She can win the race.

         d. They don't buy cars.

          e. He might get into trouble.

10.   Add tag question to the following.                                              [6]

a.    They will be happy, __________?

b.   He is an engineer, ____________?

c.    I am going to the party, ___________?

d.   She returned yesterday, ___________?

e.    The police caught the thieves, ___________?

f.    She dances very well, ________________?

11.   Fill in the blanks with correct forms of  auxiliary verbs.                      [6]

a.    She _____ combing her hair.

b.   I _______bought a pair of shoes.

c.    She ______ cleaning the floor.

d.   Deepak ________ play the guitar.

e.    She is 13 now, so last year she ______ 12.

f.    The students _______ using computer now.

12. Change the adjectives to adverbs to answer the question.                      [6]

          a.He is a slow driver. How does he drive?

         b. She is a quick typist. How does she type?

          c.They are careful drivers. How do they drive?

         d.Her handwriting is very neat. How does she write?

          e. She is a nice cook. How does she cook?

          f.  He is an aggressive person. How does he behave?

13. Write the correct forms of adjectives.                                         [4]

a.    This book is as ________ as that book. (expensive)

b.   His dress is __________ than hers. (cheap)

c.    This is the _______ song on the album. (sad)

d.   Learning to swim is _______ than learning to walk. (difficult)

14. Fill each blank with suitable pronoun.                                         [4]

          a.      Don't have the soup. _______ is hot.

         b.      They are stupid. Don't talk to ___________.

          c.      Sujata is friendly. _______ is always nice to me.

         d.      Here is the camera. Give _______ to your friend.

          e.      My parents are in Pokhara. ________ will come at Dashain.

          f.       I phoned Riya but _______ number was engaged.

          g.      Don't bang the door when ______ go out.

         h.      I can handle this problem _________.

15. Write a story based on the given outlines also give a suitable title to it and  moral of the story.                                                                                  [6]

            Elephant in a village …… went for a bath to the river everyday….passed a tailor's shop……tailor gave something to eat… day tailor has a fight with a customer……pricks elephant's trunk with a needle instead of giving him food……elephant fills water in his trunk…..spoils tailor's stitched clothes….tailor sorry….moral.

16. Write an essay on "Importance of Games and Sports for Physical and Mental Fitness".                                                         [8]





Best of Luck

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