Sunday, March 7, 2021

Mid Terminal Examination-2077 - Subject: C. English - Grade: 8

 Mid Terminal Examination-2077  -  Subject: C. English   -   Grade: 8

Mid Terminal Examination-2077

Subject: C. English         Full Mark:  75

Class: VIII                       Time: 2:15hrs.       Pass Mark: 30


Attempt all the questions

Group A

1.        Rewrite the following sentences selecting the correct  options.  (5x1=5)

a)       I play …….. football every Saturday.(a an, nothing)

b)       Please write ….. a pen.(by , with, of)

c)       He is poor ……he is hardworking.(though, however, because)

d)       They have to prepare it…….(themselves, itself, ourselves)

e)       He has to do it, .…?(hasn’t he ,doesn’t he, isn’t he)

2.       Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.                (3x1=3)

a)       The girl watched a movie.(into passive voice)

b)       My father said to me “I’m very hungry.”(into indirect speech)

c)       Durlav wrote a letter.(into what question)

3.       Fill in the blanks selecting the correct words from the box.           (2x1=2)

( is. are, cuts ,cut)

a.       One of the students ……. very smart in our class.

b.       He ……the grass yesterday.


                                             Group –B

4.       Read the following text and do the activities that follow.

The Foolish Sage and the Jackal

In a monastery far away from human habitation lived in a saint called Deva. He made a lot of money by selling clothes gifted to him by well wishers and disciples. It became a burden for him to guard that wealth. Since he did not trust anyone, he put all his money into a bag carried with him wherever he went. Ashamvav, an experienced cheat, noticed Deva always carrying his bag with him. He thought that the bag certainly contained something valuable, so he planned to snatch it from him.

One day, the cheat met the saint and promptly fell on his feet and said, “ Oh, know all , I have realized that his life is an illusion; youth is fleeting and all familial ties are like dream. Please show me the correct path that frees me from all worldly ties. Pleased with his humility, Deva said, “ Child, you are the blessed one who has thought of renouncing worldly pleasure. Listen, the person that chants

“Om Namashivayah’ and smears holy ash on his forehead, becomes Shiva  himself. He knows no birth.I shall accept you as my portage, but you must  notenter the hermitage in the night because company is forbidden for saints after initiation, you have to live in the hut at the entrance of the monastery.”

Ashamvav promised the saint that he would consider every sign from himas a command and carry it out.Satisfied, the saint accepted the cheat as his disciple. Ashamvav too began making Deva happy by attending to his every need, but seeing that the saint never separated the money bag from him, Ashamvav thought, The old man is very crafty and always keeps the bag with him. How can I snatch it from him? Shall I kill him?

A.      Put the following sentences in the correct order as presented in the text above.                                                                                               (4x0.5=2)

a.       Ashamvav requested Deva to show him the way of freedom.

b.       Ashamvav made Deva satisfied by fulfilling his needs.

c.        Deva had made a lot money by selling clothes.

d.       Deva was pleased with the humanity of Ashamvav.

B.    Write T for true and F for false statement.                                         (4x0.5=2)

a)       Deva was selfish and greedy.

b)       Ashamvav was a perfect disciple.

c)       Deva accepted Ashamvav as his follower.

d)       Ashamvav only acted to be a disciple to steal his property that Deva had.

C.    Answer the following question.                                                               (4x1.5=6)

a)       Who was Deva?

b)       What did Ashamvav want to do with Deva?

c)       What was the way of being Shiva according to Deva?

d)       Why didn’t Deva leave his bag everywhere?

5.       Read the following text and do the activities that follow.

NASA reported that Armstrong commanded the Apollo11spacecraft that landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. His first words after setting foot on the moon are echoed in history books and memories of the people. “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” Armstrong said.

It is reported that Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the lunar surface. They collected samples conducted experiments and took photographs.

“The sights were simply magnificent, beyond any visual experience that I had ever been exposed, to”, Armstrong once said. Armstrong was a modest and simple person. He never allowed himself to be caught up in  the celebrity and glamour. He said once “I am, and ever will be, an engineer.

           And I feel proud of my own profession”

A.      Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the text.                    (4x1=4)

a.       The Apollo 11 landed on the moon………

b.       After landing on the moon Armstrong said ,“……….

c.        Armstrong walked on the moon for………….

d.       By profession Armstrong was…..

B.      Match the words/phrases in Column ‘A’with their meanings in column’B’                                                                                                                (3)

Column A     Column B

Apollo 11                                      moon

1969                              the spacecraft led by Armstrong

lunar               the year of landing man on the moon

C.      Answer the following questions                                  (3x1=3)

a.       What did Armstrong do as a great thing for mankind?

b.       What did Armstrong and his friend do on the moon?

c.        What kind of person was Armstrong in life?

6.       Read the following text and do the activities that follow.

Many years ago, there was a village. People of the village were poor. They had to go to work away to earn money. Women and children use to stay in the village . Men used to go to the town to earn. One day, ten  men from village left for the town. Women and children saw them off. They started their trip. On the way, there was a river. They had to cross  it on foot because there was no bridge.

        After crossing the river the counted themselves. They were not sure if all crossed the river or not. They were ten when they left village. They counted each other but they found they were only nine. Each of them counted but   everybody counted only nine because he didn’t count himself. They counted only others but not oneself. They concluded that one of them was swept away  by the river. They started to cry for their lost friend. One old man arrived and   asked them why they are crying. They said that one of their friend was lost in the river. He asked them how many they were. They said they were ten. He counted them ten. Finally they got the point they forgot to count themselves each time they counted. At last they were happy.

A.       Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false ones.                                            (4x0.5=2)

a.       The people of village were poor.

b.       Women and children had to go out to work.

c.        One of them was lost in the river

d.       Actually, they didn’t count themselves properly.

B.      Write words from the above text having following meanings.      (4x0.5=2)

a.       journey

b.       came to conclusion

c.        found out the fact

d.       delighted

C.    Answer the following questions.                             (4x1.5=6)

a.     Why did the men from the village use to go away to town?

b.     How many men from the village crossed the river on the way?

c.     Why were they crying after they crossed the river?

d.     What was the reality about their thought of loss of friend in theriver?

7.       Read the following text and do the activities that follow

Two knights once fought about a shield they found hanging    from a tree. One said it was gold. The other said it was silver. Afterwards they found   they were both right and both wrong. The shield was gold on one side and  silver on the other. So  every question has two sides. Some see one side other see the other. It takes a broad minded person to see both sides. For example, lets take politics. There are two kinds of politics. One, the conservative want to keep things as they are. They say change is dangerous The other, the progressive want and reform. They say we cant progress without change. Both are of the questions. We must have reform and progress but we must not lose what was good in the past. We want both   sides the conservatives and the progressive.

A.      Match the words in the column A’ with their meaning in column ‘B’           (2)

Column A     Column B

Conservatives              fighters

Progressive                    who love traditional things     

Knights                          restructure

Reform                          who love new change

B.      Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the text.           (2x1=2)

a.       The shield hanging on the tree……..

b.       Both conservatives and progressive……..

C.      Answer the following questions.                                                             (4x1.5=6)

a.       Why did the two knights fight about?

b.       What was the reality about the shield?

c.        What do the conservatives want in politics?

d.       What do the progressives want?


Group C

8.       Prepare your own Curriculum Vitae (CV).                                                         (5)

9.       Write a news story using the following outlines.                                                (5)

A night bus going to Pokhara from Dhangadhi…collided with truck at Kohalpur ……… 3 died on the spot ……. 10   Injured…….. Hospitalized at Kohalpur Medical College………..2              Serious……… driver in custody.  







10.    Write an essay on “Junk food and its bad effect” in about 200 words.  (15)


Write a letter to your friend stating the quality of the good leaders to develop the country smoothly.

–Good luck–

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