Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / A / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL

Abacus noun [C]   /ˈæb.ə.kəs/  a ​square or ​rectangular frame holding an ​arrangement of ​small balls on ​metal rods or ​wires, used for ​counting or for doing ​calculations
Ability noun [C or U]   /əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/  the ​physical or ​mental ​power or ​skill ​needed to do something
 Abridge verb [T]  /əˈbrɪdʒ/ to make a ​book, ​play, or ​piece of writing ​shorter by ​removingdetails and ​information that is not ​important

Absolute adjective  /ˈæb.sə.luːt/  absolute adjective (VERY GREAT), very ​great or to the ​largest degree possible , [before noun] used when ​expressing a ​strong opinion

Abstract adjective  /ˈæb.strækt(GENERAL) existing as an ​idea, ​feeling, or ​quality, not as a ​material​ object

accessible adjective /əkˈses.ə.bl̩/ able to be ​reached or ​easily got  or  easy to ​understand
accidentally adverb /ˌæk.sɪˈden.təl.i/  by ​chance or by ​mistake
acclaim noun [U]  /əˈkleɪm/  public ​approval and ​praise
accolade noun [C] /ˈæk.ə.leɪd/ formal praise and ​approval

accompany verb [T] /əˈkʌm.pə.ni/  GO WITH ; to go with someone or to be ​provided or ​exist at the same ​time as something;  to show someone how to get to ​somewhere to go with someone to a ​social event or to an ​entertainment:

accomplish verb [T]  /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ/ to ​finish something successfully or to ​achieve something
accomplishment noun  /əˈkʌm.plɪʃ.mənt/  [C] something that is ​successful, or that is ​achieved after a lot of ​work or ​effort
 [U] the ​finishing of something
Accordance noun  /əˈkɔː.dəns/ in accordance with a rule, law, wish, etc. ;C1 following or ​obeying a ​rule, ​law, ​wish, etc.
Accordion noun [C] /əˈkɔː.di.ən/  a box-shaped ​musical ​instrument consisting of a ​foldedcentral ​part with a ​keyboard, ​played by ​pushing the two ​endstowards each other

Account noun /əˈkaʊnt(BANK)

(also bank account) an ​arrangement with a ​bank to ​keepyour money there and to ​allow you to take it out when you need to
Accurately adverb  /ˈækjʊrətli/  correctly and without making any mistakes
accustomed  adjective  /əˈkʌs.təmd/  familiar with something
acreage noun [C or U] /ˈeɪkərɪdʒ/  an ​area of ​land ​measured in ​acres

activity noun  /ækˈtɪv.ɪ.ti/  [U] the ​situation in which a lot of things are ​happening or ​people are ​moving around

actual adjective [before noun]  /ˈæk.tʃu.əl/ existing in ​fact

adapt verb  /əˈdæpt[T] to ​change something to ​suit different ​conditions or uses

admirable adjective  /ˈæd.mɪ.rə.bəl/ deserving ​respect or ​approval

admission noun  /ədˈmɪʃ.ən[C or U] the ​act of ​agreeing that something is ​true, ​especiallyunwillingly

adopt verb  /əˈdɒpt/  [T or I] to ​legally take another person's ​child into ​your own ​family and take ​care of him or her as ​your own ​child

adventurous adjective  /ədˈven.tʃər.əs/  willing to ​try new or ​difficult things; exciting and often ​dangerous
 adverse  adjective [before noun]  /ˈæd.vɜːs/ /ədˈvɜːs/ having a ​negative or ​harmful ​effect on something
advertise  verb [T or I] /ˈæd.və.taɪz/ to make something ​known ​generally or in ​public, ​especiallyin ​order to ​sell it
advice  noun [U] /ədˈvaɪs/ an ​opinion that someone ​offers you about what you should do or how you should ​act in a ​particular ​situation
advise  verb  /ədˈvaɪz/ [I or T] to give someone ​advice
aerial  noun [C]  /ˈeə.ri.əl/ a ​structure made of ​metal ​rods or ​wires that ​receives or ​sends out ​radio or ​television ​signals

affair  noun [C]   /əˈfeər/  a ​situation or ​subject that is being ​dealt with or ​considered;  a ​matter or ​situation that ​causes strong public feeling, usually of ​moral disapproval

affectionate adjective  /əˈfek.ʃən.ət/ showing ​feelings of ​liking or ​love
affinity  noun  /əˈfɪn.ɪ.ti/  a ​liking or ​sympathy for someone or something, ​especially because of ​shared ​characteristics
affirm  verb [T] /əˈfɜːm/ to ​state something as ​true
affix  verb [T]  /əˈfɪks/ to ​fasten or ​stick one thing to another

afford verb  /əˈfɔːd/   to be ​able to ​buy or do something because you have enough ​money or ​time

aficionado noun [C]  /əˌfɪʃ.i.əˈnɑː.dəʊ/  someone who is very ​interested in and ​enthusiastic about a ​particular subject

agency noun  /ˈeɪ.dʒən.si/  [C] a ​business that ​represents one ​group of ​people when ​dealing with another ​group

aggressive adjective  /əˈɡres.ɪv/   behaving in an ​angry and ​violent way towards another ​person

agile adjective /ˈædʒ.aɪl/  able to ​move your body quickly and ​easily:Monkeys are very agile ​climbers.You need to have agile ​fingers to do this ​kind of ​work.

Agreeable adjective  /əˈɡriː.ə.bl̩/ 1. agreeable adjective (PLEASANT)

2.  pleasant or ​pleasing  3.  agreeable adjective (AGREEING) able to be ​accepted by everyone   4.  willing to do or ​accept something

Alien adjective  /ˈeɪ.li.ən/  1.  coming from a different ​country, ​race, or ​group:an alien ​culture

2.  strange and not ​familiar      3. [before noun] relating to ​creatures from another ​planet

Allegiance noun [C or U]   /əˈliː.dʒənsloyalty and ​support for a ​ruler, ​country, ​group, or ​belief

Allot verb [T] /əˈlɒt/   to give something, ​especially a ​share of something ​available, for a ​particular purpose

Alphabetical adjective  /ˌæl.fəˈbet.ɪ.kəl/  arranged in the same ​order as the ​letters of the ​alphabet

Ambitious adjective   /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/    having a ​strong wish to be ​successful, ​powerful, or ​rich

Ammonia noun [U] /əˈməʊ.ni.ə/   a ​gas with a ​strong, ​unpleasant smell used in making ​explosives, fertilizers (= ​substances that ​help plants grow), and some ​cleaning products

Amoeba noun [C]  /əˈmiː.bə/   a very ​small, ​simple organism consisting of only one ​cell

Anachronism noun [C]  /əˈnæk.rə.nɪ.zəm/  a ​person, thing, or ​idea that ​exists out of ​its time in ​history, ​especially one that ​happened or ​existed later than the ​period being ​shown, ​discussed, etc.

Anagram noun [C]   /ˈæn.ə.ɡræm/  a word or phrase made by using the ​letters of another word or phrase in a different ​order

Anatomy noun  /əˈnæt.ə.mi/   [U]1.  the ​scientific study of the ​body and how ​its parts are ​arranged  ;  [C or U] 2. the ​structure of an ​animal or ​plant

Ancestor noun [C]  /ˈæn.ses.tər/  1. a ​person related to you who ​lived a ​long time ago

2. a ​plant, ​animal, or ​object that is ​related to one ​existing at a ​later point in ​time

angoranoun [U]   /æŋˈɡɔː.rə/   the ​wool or ​material made from the ​long, ​soft hair of a ​type ofrabbit or goat

animate verb [T]  /ˈæn.ɪ.meɪt/  to make someone ​seem more ​happy or ​active

animosity noun [C or U]  /ˌæn.ɪˈmɒs.ɪ.ti/   strong dislike, ​opposition, or ​anger

annex verb [T]  /ænˈeks/  to take ​possession of an ​area of ​land or a ​country, usually by ​force or without ​permission

announcement noun [C or U]  /əˈnaʊns.mənt/  1. something that someone says ​officially, giving ​informationabout something   2. the ​act of ​announcing something


answerable adjective  /ˈɑːn.sər.ə.bl̩/  1. be answerable for sth ; 2. to be ​responsible for something that ​happens

apologetic adjective   /əˌpɒl.əˈdʒet.ɪk/   showing that you ​feel sorry about having ​caused someone ​problems or unhappiness

apologise verb [I]  /əˈpɒl.ə.dʒaɪz/  to ​tell someone that you are ​sorry for having done something that has ​caused problems or unhappiness for them

appendix noun [C]  /əˈpen.dɪks/

1.    appendix noun [C] (BODY PART)
 (plural appendixes) a ​small tube-shaped ​part that is ​joined to the intestines on the ​right side of the ​body and has no use in ​humans:She had her appendix out (= medically ​removed) last ​summer.

2.    appendix noun [C] (BOOK PART)

 (plural appendixes or appendices UK   /-dɪ.siːz/ US   )a ​separate part at the end of a ​book or ​magazine that gives ​extra information

Appetite  noun   /ˈæp.ɪ.taɪt/  [C or U] the ​feeling that you ​want to ​eat food

Appliance noun [C]  /əˈplaɪ.əns/  a ​device, ​machine, or ​piece of ​equipment, ​especially an ​electrical one that is used in the ​house, such as a ​cooker or ​washing machine

Appraise verb [T]   /əˈpreɪzto ​examine someone or something in ​order to ​judge theirqualities, ​success, or ​needs

Appreciation noun [U] /əˌpriː.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən/  the ​act of ​recognizing or ​understanding that something is ​valuable, ​important, or as ​described

Approval noun [U]   /əˈpruː.vəl/  the ​feeling of having a ​positive opinion of someone or something

Approximately adverb /əˈprɒk.sɪ.mət.li/   close to a ​particular number or ​time although not ​exactlythat ​number or ​time

Artificial adjective   /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl/  made by ​people, often as a ​copy of something ​natural

Artistic adjective   /ɑːˈtɪs.tɪk/  1. [before noun] relating to ​art:the artistic ​director of the ​theatreartistic ​endeavoursa ​work of artistic ​merit;   2.  able to ​create or ​enjoy art; 3. ​skilfully and attractively made

Assemble verb  /əˈsem.bl̩/  [I or T] to come together in a ​single place or ​bring partstogether in a ​single group

Awareness noun [U]  /əˈweə.nəs/   knowledge that something ​exists, or ​understanding of a ​situation or ​subject at the ​present time based on ​informationor ​experience

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