Friday, December 4, 2015

Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / J, K L / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL

1.    jostle verb [I or T]   /ˈdʒɒs.l̩/   to ​knock or ​push roughly against someone in ​order to ​movepast them or get more ​space when you are in a ​crowd of ​people

2.    journalism noun [U]   /ˈdʒɜː.nə.lɪ.zəm/  the ​work of ​collecting, writing, and ​publishing news storiesand ​articles in ​newspapers and ​magazines or ​broadcastingthem on the ​radio and ​television

3.    kaleidoscope noun  /kəˈlaɪ.də.skəʊp/  [C] a ​toy in the ​shape of a ​tube, that you ​look through to ​seedifferent ​patterns of ​light made by ​pieces of ​coloured glassand ​mirrors

4.    keyboard noun [C]  /ˈkiː.bɔːd/   an ​electronic musical instrument similar to a ​piano

5.    laboratory noun [C]  /ləˈbɒr.ə.tər.i/  a ​room or ​building with ​scientific equipment for doing ​scientific tests or for ​teaching science, or a ​place where ​chemicals or ​medicines are ​produced

6.    league noun [C]  /liːɡa ​group of ​teams playing a ​sport who take ​part in competitions between each other

7.    legislation noun [U]  /ˌledʒ.ɪˈsleɪ.ʃəna ​law or set of ​laws suggested by a ​government and made ​official by a ​parliament

8.    leotard noun [C]   /ˈliː.ə.tɑːd/  a ​tight piece of ​clothing that ​covers the ​body but not the ​legs, usually ​worn by ​female dancers or women doing ​physical exercise

9.    lifeguard noun [C]  /ˈlaɪf.ɡɑːd/  a ​person on a ​beach or at a ​swimming pool whose ​job is to make ​certain that the ​swimmers are ​safe and ​save them if they are in ​danger

10. liquefy verb [I or T]   /ˈlɪk.wɪ.faɪto (​cause a ​gas or a ​solid to) ​change into a ​liquid form

11. longitude noun [C or U]  /ˈlɒn.dʒɪ.tjuːd/   the ​distance of a ​place east or ​west of an ​imaginary linebetween the ​North Pole and rthe ​South Pole, ​measured in ​degrees

12. lyrical adjective  /ˈlɪr.ɪ.kl̩/   expressing personal thoughts and ​feelings in a ​beautiful way

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UKG Nepali Worksheet

UKG Nepali Worksheet