Thursday, December 3, 2015
Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / H / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL
1. harass verb [T] /ˈhær.əs/ to continue to annoy or upset someone over
a period of time
2. hemisphere noun [C] /ˈhem.ɪ.sfɪər/ one of two halves of the earth, especially above or below theequator
3. hereditary adjective /həˈred.ɪ.tər.i/ (of characteristics or diseases) passed from the genes of a parent to a child, or (of titles and positions in society) passedfrom parent to a child as a right
4. hesitate verb [I] /ˈhez.ɪ.teɪt/ to pause before you
do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it
5. hibernate verb [I] /ˈhaɪ.bə.neɪt/ (of some animals) to spend the winter sleeping
6. hindrance noun [C usually singular, U] /ˈhɪn.drəns/ something
that makes it more difficult for you to do something or for something to develop
7. homogeneous adjective /ˌhɒm.əˈdʒiː.ni.əs/ consisting of parts or people that are similar to each other or are of the same type
8. honesty noun [U] /ˈɒn.ə.sti/ the quality of being honest
9. horrify verb [T] /ˈhɒr.ɪ.faɪ/ to shock someone very
10. hyphen noun [C] /ˈhaɪ.fən/ the symbol -, used to join two words
together, or to show that a word has been divided into two parts at the end
of one line and the beginning of the nex
11. hypotenuse noun [C] /haɪˈpɒt.ən.juːz/ the longest side of any triangle that has one angle of 90°
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