Friday, December 4, 2015

Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / I / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL

1.    igneous adjective  /ˈɪɡ.ni.əs/ (of ​rocks) ​formed from magma (= very ​hot liquid rock that has ​cooled)

2.    ignorance noun [U]  /ˈɪɡ.nər.əns/ lack of ​knowledge, ​understanding, or ​information about something

3.    imaginative adjective  /ɪˈmædʒ.ɪ.nə.tɪv/ new, ​original, and ​clever

4.    immense adjective  /ɪˈmens/ extremely large in ​size or ​degree

5.    impartial adjective  /ɪmˈpɑː.ʃəl/  not ​supporting any of the ​sides involved in an ​argument

6.    inanimate adjective  /ɪˈnæn.ɪ.məthaving none of the ​characteristics of ​life that an ​animal or ​plant has

7.    indefinite adjective  /ɪnˈdef.ɪ.nət/ not ​exact, not ​clear, or without ​clear limits

8.    infection noun [C or U]  /ɪnˈfek.ʃən/ a ​disease in a ​part of ​your body that is ​caused by ​bacteria or a ​virus

9.    initiate verb [T]  /ɪˈnɪʃ.i.eɪtformal to ​cause something to ​begin

10. introvert noun [C]  /ˈɪn.trə.vɜːt/  someone who is ​shy, ​quiet, and ​unable to make ​friendseasily

11. isolate verb [T]  /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/ to ​separate something from other things with which it is ​connected or ​mixed

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