Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / O / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL

1.    narrative noun [C or U]    /ˈnær.ə.tɪv/  a ​story or a ​description of a ​series of ​events

2.    navigation noun [U]     /ˌnæv.ɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən transport the ​act of ​directing a ​ship, ​aircraft, etc. from one ​place to another, or the ​science of ​finding a way from one ​place to another

3.    newscast noun [C]   /ˈnjuːz.kɑːst/   a ​radio or ​television programme that consists of ​newsreports

4.    newsprint noun [U]   /ˈnjuːz.prɪnt/  cheap, ​low quality paper that ​newspapers are ​printed on

5.    newsreel noun [C]   /ˈnjuːz.riːl/   a ​short film that consists of ​news reports, usually one that was made in the past for ​showing in a ​cinema

6.    noble adjective   /ˈnəʊ.bl̩/   moral in an ​honest, ​brave, and ​kind way

7.    noticeable adjective   /ˈnəʊ.tɪ.sə.bl̩/  easy to ​see or ​recognize

8.    notify verb [T]     /ˈnəʊ.tɪ.faɪ/   to ​tell someone ​officially about something

9.    notion noun [C or U]     /ˈnəʊ.ʃən/  a ​belief or ​idea

10. numerator noun [C]     /ˈnjuː.mə.reɪ.tər/   the ​number above the ​line in a fraction

11. numerical adjective    /njuːˈmer.ɪ.kl̩/   involving or ​expressed in ​numbers

12. nutrient noun [C]    /ˈnjuː.tri.ənt/   any ​substance that ​plants or ​animals need in ​order to ​liveand ​grow

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