Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / M / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL

1.    magnificent adjective /mæɡˈnɪf.ɪ.səntvery good, ​beautiful, or ​deserving to be ​admired

2.    manicure noun [C or U]  /ˈmæn.ɪ.kjʊər/  a ​treatment for the ​hands that ​involves making the ​skin feelsofter and making the ​nails look better by ​cutting, ​smoothing, and ​painting them

3.    manifest verb [T]   /ˈmæn.ɪ.fest/    to show something ​clearly, through ​signs or ​action

4.    manipulate verb [T]   /məˈnɪp.jʊ.leɪt/  mainly disapproving to ​control something or someone to ​youradvantage, often unfairly or dishonestly

5.    manual adjective   /ˈmæn.ju.əldone with the ​hands

6.    manufacture verb [T]   /ˌmæn.jʊˈfæk.tʃər/   to ​produce goods in ​large numbers, usually in a ​factoryusing ​machines

7.    martial adjective [before noun] /ˈmɑː.ʃəl/  relating to ​soldiers, ​war, or ​life in the ​armed forces

8.    matinee noun [C]    /ˈmæt.ɪ.neɪ/  a ​film shown or a ​play performed during the ​day, ​especiallyin the ​afternoon

9.    megaphone noun [C]   /ˈmeɡ.ə.fəʊn/  a cone-shaped ​device that makes ​your voice louder when you ​speak into it, so that ​people can ​hear you ​although they are not near to you

10. mesa noun [C]    /ˈmeɪ.sə/  a ​mountain with a ​large, ​flat top

11. mirage noun [C]   /mɪˈrɑːʒan ​image, ​produced by very ​hot air, of something that ​seemsto be ​far away but does not really ​exist

12. missile noun [C]   /ˈmɪs.aɪl/    a ​flying weapon that has ​its own ​engine so that it can ​travel a ​long distance before ​exploding at the ​place that it has been ​aimed at

13. missionary noun [C]  /ˈmɪʃ.ən.ri/  a ​person who has been ​sent to a ​foreign country to ​teachtheir religion to the ​people who ​live there

14. monocle noun [C]    /ˈmɒn.ə.kl̩/  a round ​piece of ​glass worn, ​especially in the past, in ​front of one ​eye in ​order to ​help you to ​see more ​clearly

15. monopoly noun [C or S]    /məˈnɒp.əl.i/  (an ​organization or ​group that has) ​complete control of something, ​especially an ​area of ​business, so that ​othershave no ​share

16. monotony noun [U]   /məˈnɒt.ən.i/  a ​situation in which something ​stays the same and is ​therefore boring

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UKG Nepali Worksheet