Thursday, December 3, 2015

Spelling Contest 2015 AD/ Vocabulary List / G / TRILOK SCHOOL, KATHMANDU, NEPAL

1.    gauge verb [T]   /ɡeɪdʒ to ​calculate an ​amount, ​especially by using a ​measuringdevice

2.    genealogy noun  /ˌdʒiː.niˈæl.ə.dʒi/ [U] (the ​study of) the ​history of the past and ​presentmembers of a ​family or ​families

3.    ghastly adjective   /ˈɡɑː  unpleasant and ​shocking

4.    gnarled adjective  /nɑːld/  rough and ​twisted, ​especially because of ​old age or no ​protection from ​bad weather

5.    gourmet adjective [before noun]  /ˈɡɔː.meɪ/  (of ​food) very high ​quality

6.    graduate noun [C] /ˈɡrædʒ.u.ət/ a ​person who has a first ​degree from a ​university or ​college

7.    graduation noun [C or U] ˌɡrædʒ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/  the ​fact of ​finishing a ​degree or other ​course of ​study at a ​university or ​school, or the ​ceremony at which you are ​officially said to have ​finishe

8.    gratify verb [T]  /ˈɡræt.ɪ.faɪ/  to ​please someone, or to ​satisfy a ​wish or need

9.    gratitude noun [U]  /ˈɡræt.ɪ.tjuːd/  the ​feeling or ​quality of being ​grateful

10. guarantee noun  /ˌɡær.ənˈtiː/  [C or U] a ​promise that something will be done or will ​happen, ​especially a written ​promise by a ​company to ​repair or ​change a ​product that ​develops a ​fault within a ​particularperiod of ​time

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UKG Nepali Worksheet