Friday, May 27, 2016


        The areas four boundaries , altitude from the sea-level , longitude latitude and the like of this district are already presented in the map herewith.
       Gorkha, the fourth largest district based on area, is the district from where Ram shah brought social and economic reforms , including the system of justice and hence still prevails the saying ''NAYA NAPAYA GORKHA JANU'' and the district from where King Prithivi Narayan Shah started unification campaign.and for that ,the source of inspiration for Nepalese people. The title GOKHALI as the epitome of courage to all the Nepalese owes to yhis very place .It as occupied position in national and international arena. This is the district of gorkhanath , the family diety of king prithivinarayan shah and gorkhali as well as the temple of manakamana exist.

        To the south of this district lies BAKRESHWAR and MAHABHARAT ranges; to the north exist Mt.Himchuli and Mt.Manaslu ; worlds 8th highest peak; to yhe east flows bhudigandaki river and so do chepe and marsyandri river to the west . Gorkha bazaar , the district headquater lies in gorkha municipality, 25 km north from ambru kaireni on prithivi highway ,143km east from capital city., Kathmandu and 115 km east from tourist city, pokhara.

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