Monday, May 16, 2016



Health is simply the state of being healthy. Health is the general condition in which person is free from illness and any kind of disease. According to WHOM (world health organization) health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.”
There is the common saying that” health is wealth.” In my view healthy person is the happiest person because he is free from disease and can work hard, earn wealth and live with happiness. But an unhealthy person is unhappy even he has a wealth. A healthy person is bold and confident. They so their work confidently and can achieve success in their life in future. A healthy person is asset to himself, his family, community and country as well. He can be a great challenge to the upcoming generation because he plays an important role. On the other hand unhealthy person just a beast of burden.
To unhealthy person even a simple work gets tougher and takes a lot of time to accomplish a given work. But Healthy person accomplish their work with success through continuous effort. So good health is essential to all. People desire to be healthy but they are unable to do so.Sound health is not god gifted. Health cannot be achieved merely v=by taking one or two pills every day or by observing few restrictions. We should continuously make an effort to attain it because minor mistake can lead us you death. It can be achieved only by understanding what health is, on what it depends and then applying this knowledge in every-day life.
Life is for living. Without health joys and pleasures are of no use. Only a balanced diet cannot make our health good. We should take plenty of milks, eggs, green vegetables and fruits. We should take physical exercise. Walking is the=he easiest exercise. But other exercises like swimming, skipping, and games are beneficial. Health education should also be given as it is the process which enables individual and group of individuals to realize their health need and necessary healthy behaviors with change in knowledge, attitude and behavior of people. A
Therefore, development of the country depends upon the health of the people. When all the people are healthy, they can work harder and lead to the progressment of the family, society and country as whole. The greatest wealth of the country is its healthy citizen. Heath education should be introduced in school. People should know the importance of health right form their childhood.


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