Monday, May 16, 2016


        Education is one of the basic needs of human beings. It is necessary to men as food drink and clothes. Therefore education is extremely useful. If raises the status of man above animals. A man without education is no better than an animal without  a tail and horns. Education gives people knowledge and discretion. It provides ability .An educated person has a better opportunity of getting job.
         Education is extremely useful because education is considered the birth right of human beings it is known as human right also. Education is necessary not only to enhance human responsibility but also for the development of a country. The more educated people of a country develops. Education creates skilled man power, for the development. Skilled farmers, mechanics, engineers, doctors, and administrator can perform their duties in a better ways. Educated farmers apply scientific methods in agriculture and grow more crops. Skilled Doctors cure sick persons using the latest development in the medical field.
           Education therefore is the greatest wealth of every person. It is considered the most important infrastructure of development. It is the key of development. So the government should make it a priority.
                                                        THUS, "EDUCATION IS SO IMPORTANT"
Name:Dinesh Poudel

2073 BS

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