Monday, May 16, 2016


We people are now at scientific era. Our life has been greatly influenced by science. Science is the foundation of modernization and civilization. Numerous miraculous discoveries  as the gift of science  have made the life of people more civilized and comfortable.
Science has brought many fact s and device in introduction. The misuse of science leads human society to destruction and failure. Science has introduced various war materials like atom bomb other weapons and so on. They disturb the world harmony and peace.
Although science is the foundation of modern, comfortable and civilized human society, its misuse can bring negative effect in our life. Contrary to the right use, misuse of science leads human society to destruction and failure.  Science has introduced various war materials like atom bomb and other weapons and so on. They disturb the world harmony and peace.
Moreover, in spite of having good impacts of science in human life, it also brings negative effects unless the discoveries are used properly.
The value of science in our life is indescribable in worlds. Science 
is only  the fact that makes us happier. Thus, we human beings should make the proper utilization  of science and scientific discoveries to enhance the prosperity and dignity of human civilization.

From : Anjali Shrestha
2073 BS 

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